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11 things unsuccessful people do over the weekend

They forget to schedule

11 things unsuccessful people do over the weekend

They ignore loved ones

They ignore loved ones

It can be hard to make time for the ones you care about during the hectic week. Make up for that over the weekend.

They let technology take over

They let technology take over

Put away your phone. Shut off your work email — and make it clear to your coworkers that you won't be responding. Don't get addicted to technology.

They forget to unwind

They forget to unwind

Whether you're unwinding alone or going out with friends, make sure to do something that makes you happy during your time off.

They sleep the entire time

They sleep the entire time

Maybe you drank too much on Friday and are recovering. Maybe you're just super tired. Either way, this could really mess up your sleep cycle, and you probably need to fix that.

They rack up expenses

They rack up expenses

You pinch pennies all week, and then blow it all over the weekend.

Heck, you should treat yourself every once in a while. That being said, if you're overspending on the weekends on frivolities that you don't need, then it's time to consider some cheap but fun options, like staycations or free local events.

They avoid taking time to reflect

They avoid taking time to reflect

During your busy week, it can be difficult to snag some time to just think about your life and goals. It's important to check in with yourself every once in a while.

They aren't present

They aren

On Fridays, it's a great idea to set out an agenda for the next Monday. Being prepared is great; being a workaholic is not. Kick back and relax a bit on Saturday and Sunday!

They laze around and regret it

They laze around and regret it

Chilling out over the weekend is definitely a great way to unwind. But if your slothfulness is making you bored or bummed out — or causing you to neglect important errands and chores — then you may want to rethink how you spend your Saturdays and Sundays.

They're stressed out


At the other end of the spectrum are people who pack too much into their weekend schedule.

In order to be productive (and therefore successful) at work, it's important to use the weekend to recharge your batteries. If your weekends include zero downtime, then you'll never feel rested or refreshed, which can be detrimental to your success.

They get too comfortable with the time off

They get too comfortable with the time off

Sunday nights are the perfect time to plan for the week ahead. You can make a to-do list, update or review your calendar, or just think about what it is you'd like to accomplish in the coming days.

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