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Most characters on 'The Walking Dead' aren't killed by zombies

Kirsten Acuna   

Most characters on 'The Walking Dead' aren't killed by zombies
Entertainment1 min read

the walking dead rick daryl

Gene Page/AMC

Anyone can get killed off AMC's hit series "The Walking Dead" at any moment. Creator Robert Kirkman has said that no character is safe despite their popularity in the longstanding comic series.

However, in the show, more people get killed by the living than the dead.

In the zombie apocalypse, most people would think the cause of death would either be getting devoured or infected by other zombies. It turns out that's not the case!

Matt Yancey put together an incredible graphic extensively tracking the life and death of 105 characters on the series.

Check it out below:

NOW WATCH: There's a good reason 'The Walking Dead' creator doesn't use the word zombie


