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Olive Garden servers are getting shorted on tips - and it's the restaurant's fault

Olive Garden servers are getting shorted on tips - and it's the restaurant's fault

Olive Garden


A glitch in Olive Garden's new tablet software has been shorting servers on their tips.

The tablets, which allow customers to order and pay for their food at their tables, have been systematically miscalculating tip percentages, $4 reports.

Joseph Richardson, who works at an Olive Garden in Victor, New York, said a customer pointed out the problem to him last week.

The customer had tried to leave a 20% tip for Richardson on a $40 check, Richardson told the newspaper.

The tablet calculated the tip as $5.77, when it should have been $8.

He said the issue is happening to his coworkers, as well, so he notified his general manager. The tablets were installed in the restaurant where he works about five weeks ago, he said.

Olive Garden said it is addressing the problem.

"As soon as we became aware of the issue, we immediately moved to address it," Rich Jeffers, a spokesman for Olive Garden parent company Darden Restaurants, told Busines Insider. "A fix is in place and is being rolled out now. It's important to note that this is not affecting all Olive Garden servers. It's impacted half our restaurants and occurred in less than half of one percent of Olive Garden sales."



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