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People are donating money to Kylie Jenner to help her become the world's youngest female billionaire

People are donating money to Kylie Jenner to help her become the world's youngest female billionaire

Kylie Jenner Style Evolution_21

Joe Scarnici/Getty Images

  • Kylie Jenner has an estimated worth of $900 million, according to Forbes.
  • A GoFundMe campaign is raising money to help Kylie become the world's youngest female billionaire.

When $4, the 20-year-old cosmetic mogul from the Kardashian-Jenner family, was just $100 million shy of becoming the world's youngest billionaire, fans of the reality TV star banded together.

On Twitter, multiple people wrote that they intended to help raise the additional $100 million that would make Jenner the world's youngest billionaire. 

"Skipping my child support payments to help this fierce female become an iconic billionaire!" One woman joked.

Now, a $4 has been created in her honor, but only $268 has been raised on her behalf.

The campaign description reads:

"I don't want to live in a world where Kylie Jenner doesn't have a billion dollars. We must raise 100 million dollars to help her get to a billion, please spread the word, this is extremely important."

While most people are donating around $5 a piece, one person gave as much as $100. 

This isn't the first time the internet has crowdfunded on the behalf of an extremely wealthy person. $4 raised nearly $8,000 to purchase a couch for Elon Musk after CBS revealed that Musk had been sleeping on his office floor.



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