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People are outraged that Lena Dunham wrote a New Yorker quiz comparing her dog to her Jewish boyfriend

People are outraged that Lena Dunham wrote a New Yorker quiz comparing her dog to her Jewish boyfriend

Lena Dunham Jack Antonoff

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Lena Dunham with her Jewish boyfriend, Jack Antonoff.

Lena Dunham's latest piece in the New Yorker, a quiz titled $4offers a list of 35 statements comparing her $4Bleachers lead singer Jack Antonoff, and her $4.

Lena Dunham Jack Antonoff Lamby


Dunham's boyfriend, Jack Antonoff, and dog, Lamby.

While many seem harmless, such as "He's crazy for cream cheese," others a bit more harsh:

8. I feel that he is judgmental about the food I serve him. When I make something from scratch, he doesn't want to eat it, but he also rejects most store-bought dinners.

9. This is because he comes from a culture in which mothers focus every ounce of their attention on their offspring and don't acknowledge their own need for independence as women. They are sucked dry by their children, who ultimately leave them as soon as they find suitable mates.

10. As a result of this dynamic, he expects to be waited on hand and foot by the women in his life, and anything less than that makes him whiny and distant.

Many people were outraged by the quiz, calling it anti-semitic.

Jordana Horn $4: "... apparently Jews are a group you can make fun of and it is deemed kinda intellectual and funny to do so. Basically, the boyfriend of whom she paints a picture is a weak, cheap, complaining, ungrateful, whiny jerk. To say that these qualities are obviously Jewish - and doglike? - offends me deeply."

Many on social media agreed:

Others have come to Dunham's defense:

Dunham, whose father is protestant and mother is Jewish, $4 in 2012 that she is "very culturally Jewish, although that's the biggest cliché for a Jewish woman to say."

Dunham has yet to comment on the backlash, but earlier this week she assured the quiz was a "love letter":

"My first ever Shouts & Murmurs! A love letter to @jackantonoff & Lamby in the form of... Dog or Jewish Boyfriend: A Quiz. Look at this perfect illustration by @benkalt. And I ?? @newyorkermag since birth and til death"



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