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  5. A GOP consultant who had over $1 million in robocall donations funneled to his companies says the real compensation was 'Americans getting involved' in politics

A GOP consultant who had over $1 million in robocall donations funneled to his companies says the real compensation was 'Americans getting involved' in politics

Rebecca Cohen   

A GOP consultant who had over $1 million in robocall donations funneled to his companies says the real compensation was 'Americans getting involved' in politics
  • A GOP consultant who got over $1 million said the real win was getting people involved with politics.
  • Nonprofits sent money to his companies after raising donations using pro-police and pro-veteran robocalls, the New York Times reported.

A GOP consultant who got over $1 million funneled to his companies from nonprofits that used robocalls to raise donations said the real payout was that Americans got more involved with politics along the way.$4

$4 that five conservative nonprofit groups used robocalls with pro-police and pro-veteran messages to raise money, ostensibly for those causes.

But the Times found that millions went elsewhere, including to three consultants.

John Connors, a Republican consultant from Wisconsin, owns a political firm called Campaign Now, which owns Voter Mobilization LLC — one of the companies receiving money from the five nonprofits, the Times reported.

"I do this to help people without a voice organize, raise money, and design a platform," Connors told the Times.

"Yes I am paid for what I do (everybody is) but my real compensation is the satisfaction of Americans getting involved in the system," he continued.

States are starting to strike back against annoying robocalls; All but two states recently $4.

Spam robocalls are a profitable business, but there are $4 to stop being bombarded with them.

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