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Trump and his allies gleefully mock DeSantis during the governor's glitch-filled presidential rollout on Twitter

Brent D. Griffiths   

Trump and his allies gleefully mock DeSantis during the governor's glitch-filled presidential rollout on Twitter
  • Trump, his family, and his allies trolled DeSantis amid a glitchy campaign rollout.
  • Donald Trump Jr. deemed the night a "#DeSaster."

Former President Donald Trump and his allies mocked Ron DeSantis Wednesday evening as the Florida governor's hype chat with Elon Musk turned into a glitchy rollout of his presidential campaign.

"Wow! The DeSanctus TWITTER launch is a DISASTER! His whole campaign will be a disaster," Trump wrote on Truth, his social media platform. "WATCH!"

Trump also compared DeSantis' struggles with Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, whose announcement was briefly sidetracked after his main microphone went down.

"Tim Scott's Presidential launch, even with the broken microphone (don't pay the contractor, Tim!), was by far the best Presidential launch of the week," the former president wrote on Truth. Robs was a catastrophe!"

The former president also $4 contrasting his own pomp-filled announcement at his Mar-a-Lago club with DeSantis' rough start on Wednesday.

Donald Trump Jr. deemed the evening $4

DeSantis' team seemed unphased by the struggles.

"There was so much enthusiasm for Governor DeSantis' vision for our Great American Comeback that he literally busted up the internet," DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin wrote on Twitter. "Washington is next."

Trump and his allies also tried to make multiple comparisons between DeSantis and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. The former president infamously labeled Bush as "low energy" before overtaking him during the 2016 primaries.

"DeSantis is making JEB! look high energy right now," Trump Jr. wrote on Twitter. While Trump's campaign tweeted a graphic with DeSantis' $4, reminiscent of Bush's 2016 logo.

"DeSedative," Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, once a close DeSantis ally, $4

After nearly 30 minutes of struggles, DeSantis was eventually able to continue with his presidential announcement and later a quasi-town hall with conservative media personalities and other allies.

Before then, both Musk and entrepreneur David Sacks could be overheard discussing what to do about glitches as the platform struggled to keep up with the number of users in the audio-only chat.

"We've got so many people here that I think we are kind of melting the servers," Sacks said amid early struggles.

DeSantis' decision to announce his widely expected presidential run on Twitter drew skepticism even before Wednesday night's struggles. Most Americans are not on Twitter and the audience was likely to be far less than he would receive as a primetime guest on cable news.

Trump was far from the only politician to mock DeSantis' struggles.

"This link works," President Joe Biden's campaign $4

Beyond the trolling, Trumpworld welcomed DeSantis' announcement with a series of ads, statements, and other posts that underlined a monthlong onslaught against the former president's best-placed challenger for the GOP nomination. Trump's coordinated attacks on DeSantis appear to be working as the Florida governor has dropped in polling before his announcement.

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