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Pun intended! Making tactical mistake at the cost of overall strategy is like premature celebration and stripping right next to the match referee

Pun intended! Making
tactical mistake at the cost of overall strategy is like premature celebration
and stripping right next to the match referee
Strategy1 min read
‘Looks like, we were wrong in making the last minute changes. We should have stuck to our strategy’-This is a statement often repeated in strategy discussions after havoc played by some last minute tactical changes.

“Truly keep focus on the profound goal always and never get digressed by the small missteps in the short run,” says Manoj Kohli, Executive Chairman, SoftBank Energy.

A bad tactic or a tactical digression from the corporate strategy can kill the overall good strategy! And unfortunately business world is full of such examples.

“An isolated green patch attracts an errant sheep away from the herd, creating mayhem for the shepherd. Straying individuals, not looking at the final goal fail the team,” says Sid Sharma, President and CEO, InterGlobe Air Transport.

The strategic humour story “Tactical Mistake At the cost of Overall Strategy: Premature celebration and stripping right next to the match referee!” stresses the importance of staying focused on the strategy.

This is based on one of the weirdest and funniest incidents of the Rio Olympics 2016 and it went viral on internet.

Here, have a look!

(The article is authored by Prof Rajesh K. Pillania, who is judged Best Faculty for Strategic Management in India by ASSOCHAM & Education Post and is ranked jointly #1 for research productivity among management professors in India. Currently he is faculty of Strategy with MDI, Gurgaon)


