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REPORTS: Martin Shkreli, the former pharma executive everyone loves to hate, may face new charges

REPORTS: Martin Shkreli, the former pharma executive everyone loves to hate, may face new charges

Martin Shkreli

AP Photo/Richard Drew

Martin Shkreli talking to Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network.

Martin Shkreli, the founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals described in some quarters as the "$4," may face new charges.

Shkreli already faces charges he defrauded investors, but his lawyers said Tuesday that a trial should be delayed, $4

CNBC reports those additional charges against Shkreli and lawyer Evan Greebel should be announced within the month.

To recap, $4:

  • 2 counts of securities fraud
  • 2 counts of conspiracy to commit securities fraud
  • 3 counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

Shkreli, the notorious former pharma CEO, made headlines last September after he raised the price of Daraprim, a drug used to treat a parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis, by 5,000%. These charges, however, are not directly related to the price hike, but to events that happened earlier in his career, while he was $4.

Shkreli's next court appearance is scheduled for June 6, CNBC reports.



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