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A California taco restaurant posted a sign blaming government handouts for slow service and a staff shortage

Mary Hanbury   

A California taco restaurant posted a sign blaming government handouts for slow service and a staff shortage
  • A California taco restaurant blamed a staff shortage and slow service on "state handouts."
  • Some businesses are blaming workers and government handouts for the labor shortage.
  • Others say the solution is simply to pay workers more.

A taqueria in California posted a sign in its window blaming government handouts for a staff shortage, and asked customers to be patient with slow service.

"Sadly, due to government and state handouts no one wants to work anymore. Therefore, we are short-staffed," the sign at Taco Loco restaurant in Folsom, California said, per $4.

"Please be patient with our staff that did choose to come to work today."

Insider reached out to the restaurant for comment but didn't immediately hear back.

Since the beginning of the year, unemployed workers in the US have been able to claim $300 a week in benefits as part of a COVID-19 relief package. While some states have $4, California $4 it would continue to offer unemployment benefits through September 4.

$4 have become more common across the US. Business owners grappling with an ongoing labor shortage are starting to $4 or government handouts, for these employment gaps. $4 saw this firsthand when she took a trip across the East Coast.

The labor shortage has reached crisis point in the US. Job openings rose to a $4 in April, according to the $4 - and business owners are scrambling to fill the gaps.

Read more: $4

The pandemic has given some workers time to reflect and consider new careers. Others are "$4" in the hunt for better jobs with $4 and better working conditions.

But $4 this crisis: pay us more.

Michael Lastoria, CEO of &pizza restaurant chain, $4 that his 51 locations were fully staffed, and the secret to his success was paying workers proper wages. He offers a $16-an-hour wage, plus benefits.

"The idea that wages couldn't possibly rise even once over the past 12 years while prices went up, while inflation went up, and while the cost of living went up, has resulted in the 'shortage' [business owners] are experiencing today," he said, adding: "There isn't a labor shortage, there is a shortage of business owners willing to pay a living wage."

If you're a retail worker or business owner with a story to share please contact this reporter at


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