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From 'very stable genius' to 'very legal & very cool': Here are 32 very real things Trump tweeted in 2018

Starting the year strong: The North Korea button tweet.

From 'very stable genius' to 'very legal & very cool': Here are 32 very real things Trump tweeted in 2018

The awards show we've all been waiting for: "THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR."

The awards show we

This tweet was also sent out on January 2. President Trump touted a new awards show to compete with the Oscars and, apparently, the Pulitzers, in which he would celebrate "dishonesty and bad reporting" in the "Fake News Media."

Comedians had a field day with this one. Stephen Colbert set up a "for your consideration" billboard in Times Square, Samantha Bee campaigned for "Shrilliest Reporting," and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" even took out a spoof full-page "for your consideration" ad in The New York Times.

The Daily Show is running a full page Oscar-style “For Your Consideration” ad in the New York Times today, aimed at winning President Trump’s upcoming dishonest media awards...

— Eamon Javers (@EamonJavers) January 5, 2018

The words of a "very stable genius."

The words of a "very stable genius."

The "very stable genius" tweet — an instant classic — is actually part three of a tweet collection in which the president said he's "like, really smart" and that "Crooked" Hillary Clinton went "down in flames" during the 2016 election.

"I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star….. ….to President of the United States (on my first try)," Trump tweeted. All that, he said, was enough to qualify him as "as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

The tweet came in response to claims made in Michael Wolff's explosive book on the White House that said 100% of people in the administration question the president's mental fitness.

Trump praises the Women's March — a gathering of women protesting him.

Trump praises the Women

The Women's March was famously started as a protest to Trump's inauguration.

The second Women's March in history, which happened on January 20, 2018, was, again, a protest of Trump's presidency. The president, however, seemingly didn't know this when he tweeted support for it. He touted the "unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months."

"Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!" he added.

"Collusion is dead."

"Collusion is dead."

In this tweet, sent the day after the disputed Devin Nunes memo came out, Trump attempts to clear his name in the Russia investigation and claims that "collusion is dead," while referring to himself in the third person. He also misspells "their" and "there."

"This is an American disgrace!" he said.

FBI should've been investigating the Parkland shooter instead of spending time working on the Russia investigation.

FBI should

President Trump tweeted this three days after the Parkland shooting that left 17 dead.

"That's disgusting," one student said in response to Trump's comments. "You're supposed to bring this nation together, not divide us. How dare you. Children are dying, and their blood is on your hands because of that."

Trump says Oprah is insecure. She says "what?"

Trump says Oprah is insecure. She says "what?"

Oprah hosted a "60 Minutes" discussion in February that the president watched. His review? Oprah was "very insecure."

A few days later, on Ellen DeGeneres' show, Oprah responded to the president with a shrug and said, "I don’t like giving negativity power, so I just thought, ‘What?’"

A "reflective" Presidents' Day.

A "reflective" Presidents

Trump wished everyone a happy Presidents' Day, then asked why Obama didn't take care of the alleged Russian election meddling.

Trump attacks the Oscars.

Trump attacks the Oscars.

"We don't have Stars anymore" the president tweeted after the Oscars. Except for him. "Just kidding."

The Oscars have become quite politicized, with Hollywood celebrities speaking out against the administration and making a point of showing how much they disagree with the president. So he hit them where he knows best: the ratings. The 90th Academy Awards were, indeed, the least watched in Oscars history with only 26.5 million viewers.

He also, for mysterious reasons, responded to his own tweet by tweeting about DACA: "President Obama had 8 years to fix this problem, and didn’t. I am waiting for the Dems, they are running for the hills!"

Another "no collusion" tweet.

Another "no collusion" tweet.

A congressional committee, led by Trump ally Mike Conway, announced in mid-March that Trump’s 2016 campaign did not collude with Russian operatives. Trump reacted to the news, tweeting this.

The congressional report, which excluded output by Democrats, contradicted findings by other investigations.

Trump tells Joe Biden to not threaten him.

Trump tells Joe Biden to not threaten him.

Joe Biden said, in March, that he would "beat the hell" out of Trump if the two had been in school together.

The president and former vice president have been talking about fighting each other for months. In this installment, Trump hit back by calling Biden "crazy" and saying he's mentally and physically weak.

The Second Amendment will never be repealed.

The Second Amendment will never be repealed.

Trump tweeted that the 2nd Amendment will never be repealed after retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' called to repeal the Second Amendment in a New York Times op-ed.

Trump had been quiet on the 2A even as students across the country marched to demand for gun control.

Trump said Mexico was doing nothing to stop immigration.

Trump said Mexico was doing nothing to stop immigration.

Trump threatens to shut down NAFTA if Mexico continues doing "nothing" about the inmigrant flow in its southern border. This was all before the media and political storm created by news of migrant caravans traveling from Central America to the U.S.

"Thank you Kanye, very cool!"

"Thank you Kanye, very cool!"

Trump's relationship with rapper Kanye West has been very well documented. This is, perhaps, the most iconic tweet of their interactions.

Kanye also tweeted out a picture of a MAGA hat signed by the president.

"My wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone," West tweeted (who is married to Kim Kardashian) later. "I don't agree with everything Trump does. I don't agree 100% with anyone but myself."

Trump responds to media claims that he called immigrants "animals" by clarifying that he called MS-13 members that.

Trump responds to media claims that he called immigrants "animals" by clarifying that he called MS-13 members that.

Trump referred to members of the trans-national gang MS-13 as "violent animals." Some characterized this as him saying immigrants are "animals." In this tweet, Trump attempted to clarify that and then doubled down on his words.

The White House backed up Trump.

"Too many Americans have fallen victims to the unthinkable violence of MS-13's animals," the White House said in a statement.

Kim Kardashian West's trip to the White House

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian West visited the White House in May to advocate for prison reform. Kardashian West was inspired by 63-year-old Alice Marie Johnson, a low-level drug offender serving a life sentence without parole.

Johnson was granted clemency soon after.

Kim's visit wasn't the only time that year when the Kardashians visited Capitol Hill.

The first lady's jacket inspires a tweet about the Fake News Media.

The first lady

President Trump defended his wife Melania's decision to wear a Zara jacket that had the words "I really don't care, do u?" printed on the back when she visited a child migrant camp at the border.

Trump's defense of the coat contradicted the explanation given by the first lady's spokesperson, who said "there was no hidden message."

Trump celebrates travel ban.

Trump celebrates travel ban.

The Supreme Court upheld Trump's travel ban, which stopped travelers from several majority-Muslim countries from coming into the country. The measure was widely considered discriminatory against Muslims and was Trump's third attempt at restricting travel from some majority-Muslim countries after federal courts blocked the previous two.

Trump tells Iranian president to "NEVER, EVER THREATEN" the U.S.

Trump tells Iranian president to "NEVER, EVER THREATEN" the U.S.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was at the center of the president's fury in July after he said the U.S. should avoid inciting Iranians against their government.

“America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Rouhani told a meeting of Iranian diplomats.

Michael Cohen is not a good lawyer, Trump tweets.

Michael Cohen is not a good lawyer, Trump tweets.

The day former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen struck a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty to eight federal crimes, Trump told his followers to not retain Cohen's services if they're looking for a good lawyer.

The president then tweeted that the two counts of campaign finance violations Cohen pleaded guilty to "are not a crime."

Trump accuses Canada of taking advantage of the U.S.

Trump accuses Canada of taking advantage of the U.S.

Trump tweeted that Canada has been taking advantage of the U.S. for years during NAFTA negotiations. The day before, the president had tweeted that there was no "political necessity" to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal.

Trump says only those tired of winning vote for Democrats.

Trump says only those tired of winning vote for Democrats.

As he campaigned for Republicans weeks before the midterm elections, Trump told his followers to only vote for Democrats if they were "tired of winning."

Trump said he's excited to see Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Trump said he

The Brett Kavanaugh nomination dominated headlines for weeks this year. Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault and harassment by multiple women, but was ultimately confirmed to the Supreme Court. This was President Trump's reaction to the news.

Trump calls 2018 election night a "success."

Trump calls 2018 election night a "success."

Though the Republicans kept the Senate in the 2018 midterm election, the Democrats won the House. President Trump, though, thought the night was a success.

"Make France Great Again!"

"Make France Great Again!"

Trump tweeted this as media reported that his "bromance" with French President Emmanuel Macron was falling apart. The president had just launched a Twitter tirade against Macron and France, his third online attack on the country in that week.

“The problem is that Emmanuel suffers from a very low Approval Rating in France, 26%, and an unemployment rate of almost 10%,” Trump tweeted. “He was just trying to get onto another subject. By the way, there is no country more Nationalist than France, very proud people-and rightfully so! MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump had visited France for the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, a visit marked by Trump's evident absence from a memorial service.

Trump says the U.S. must close its border with Mexico to avoid a "costly and dangerous situation."

Trump says the U.S. must close its border with Mexico to avoid a "costly and dangerous situation."

In the face of the migrant crisis at the border, Trump said any asylum-seekers would not be allowed into the country until their case has been cleared.

"All will stay in Mexico," Trump added in a following tweet. Mexican government officials denied that any agreement on the arrangement has been struck in response to Trump's remarks.

A "very legal & very cool" tweet.

A "very legal & very cool" tweet.

While in Buenos Aires for the G20 Summit, President Trump tweeted about how his business is being run in a "very legal & very cool" way. He was, of course, referring to the conversations had over Moscow Tower in 2016, which Michael Cohen had just admitted he lied to Congress about.

Trump calls "fake news" the "enemy of the people."

Trump calls "fake news" the "enemy of the people."

The president often calls journalists "the enemy of the people." He did so once again at the beginning of December, hours before the CNN Manhattan offices were evacuated due to a bomb threat.

Trump's attack on the press earned a response from The Capital Gazette photographer Joshua McKerrow, who survived the deadly attack on his newsroom earlier this year.

1. Today I did the annual story on holiday decorations at the Governor's residence. I've done it every year, for years. A very light but very fun story. Every year my reporting partner was Wendi Winters. This year, it was Selene. Wendi was murdered in June.

— Joshua McKerrow (@joshuamckerrow) December 7, 2018

The "smocking gun" tweet

The "smocking gun" tweet

Trump's tweet about the Democrats having "No Smocking Gun" in the Russia investigation went viral after he misspelled "smoking" twice in 280 characters. Many other Twitter accounts jumped on the opportunity to mock the "smocking" error, including Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.

The world's in such a state, I almost feel like taking up smocking again.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 10, 2018

Trump laments attack in France, demands U.S. border security.

Trump laments attack in France, demands U.S. border security.

A shooting near a Christmas market on December 12 in Strasbourg, France, left at least two people dead and 12 others injured. Trump lamented the shooting in a tweet, before adding that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi must "give" the votes necessary to get "additional Border Security."

Mexico will (one way or another) pay for the wall.

Mexico will (one way or another) pay for the wall.

As the USMCA negotiations were happening, Trump said the new deal was a way for Mexico to pay for the wall.

The USMCA is pretty similar to NAFTA, except it has clauses that aim to shift car manufacturing to the U.S. from Mexico. Mexico also agreed to allow imports of certain U.S. cheeses.

Democrats bashed Trump's idea of using revenues from the deal on the wall as a waste of money.

Trump tweeted he never directed Michael Cohen to break the law.

Trump tweeted he never directed Michael Cohen to break the law.

Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to lying to Congress on December 12. A disgruntled Trump, who also called his former lawyer a "rat," tweeted that he never instructed Cohen to do any illegal acts and that, as a lawyer, Cohen should've known what was legal and what was not.

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