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Here are the worst slogans in the history of US political campaigning

"In your heart you know he's right"

Here are the worst slogans in the history of US political campaigning

"I'm not a witch, I'm you"


In what may be one of the weirdest campaign videos of all time, Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell in 2010 was forced hit back at the revelation that she once practiced witchcraft.

O'Donnell had admitted dabbling in witchcraft while a college student in an interview that emerged and went viral after she became the GOP's surprise nominee for a Senate seat in Delaware.

O'Donnell attempted to damp down the controversy and reassure voters wary of witchcraft in a video — crafting a slogan to ram home the message.

"I'm not a witch, I'm you," O'Donnell told voters.

However it wasn't enough to save her ailing campaign, and she lost to Democrat Chris Coons.

Source: The Guardian

"Jeb can fix it"

"Jeb can fix it"

When heir presumptive to the Bush presidential dynasty Jeb Bush announced his candidacy for the White House in 2015, some thought his nomination would be a shoo-in.

But his campaign floundered after a series of wooden debate performances, and in a bid to give it a much needed reboot his campaign team settled on the "Jeb can fix it" slogan.

Voters though weren't convinced, with some mocking the slogan as sounding more like an ad for a plumbing firm than a winning presidential campaign slogan.

Bush eventually dropped out of the running for the Republican nomination after securing just 2.8% of votes in the first presidential caucuses.

Source: The Washington Post

"We Polked you in '44, we shall Pierce you in '52"

"We Polked you in

Franklin Pierce ran on this slogan in 1852 as he sought to portray himself as the natural successor to popular Democratic incumbent James K. Polk.

The clumsy slogan has more the feel of a vague threat than encapsulating an inspiring vision.

But it was enough to propel the relatively unknown Pierce to a surprise victory over Whig challenger General Winfield Scott — a famed veteran of several military campaigns.


"Let's Make it a Landon-slide"


Republican Alf Landon was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's opponent in the 1936 presidential election, and he tempted fate with this wince inducing pun.

In the end the election was a landslide, just not the one the GOP candidate had hoped for.

Roosevelt cruised to the biggest presidential victory in more than a century, with Landon only winning eight electoral college votes to Roosevelt's 523.

Source: Bizarre Politics

"Blaine, Blaine, James G Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine"

"Blaine, Blaine, James G Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine"

Mired in scandal after admitting fathering a child in an extramarital affair, Democrat Grover Cleveland was mocked with chants of "ma, ma, where's my pa?" by supporters of his opponents, James G Blaine.

In response, supporters of Cleveland opted for a playground-like chant, alluding to Blaine's reputation for corruption: "Blaine, Blaine, James G Blaine, the continental liar from the state of Maine."

However it seemed to do the trick, with Cleveland elected president in a narrow victory over his opponent.

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