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  4. The coronavirus has caused a full breakdown in Iran, with an unknown death toll, infected leaders, and massive burial pits visible from space

The coronavirus has caused a full breakdown in Iran, with an unknown death toll, infected leaders, and massive burial pits visible from space

Iran's coronavirus outbreak first began in Qom, the holy city in which thousands of pilgrims arrive daily. The government's first acknowledgement of the virus was on February 19, when officials reported two deaths in Qom.

The coronavirus has caused a full breakdown in Iran, with an unknown death toll, infected leaders, and massive burial pits visible from space

But by that time, the coronavirus had already struck the country days — or even weeks — earlier, revealing that the outbreak could already be spiraling out of control.

But by that time, the coronavirus had already struck the country days — or even weeks — earlier, revealing that the outbreak could already be spiraling out of control.

Source: RFERL

In one particularly jarring moment that revealed the severity of the outbreak, the deputy minister, Iraj Harirchi, aggressively wiped sweat from his forehead during a press conference in which he downplayed the severity of the outbreak. He tested positive for COVID-19 the next day.

In one particularly jarring moment that revealed the severity of the outbreak, the deputy minister, Iraj Harirchi, aggressively wiped sweat from his forehead during a press conference in which he downplayed the severity of the outbreak. He tested positive for COVID-19 the next day.

Iran's health minister, Saeed Namaki, said officials believed the outbreak stemmed from a single merchant who frequently traveled between Qom and China.


By mid-March, Iran had already become one of the worst-affected countries. The only countries hit harder have been Italy, and China, where the virus originated.

By mid-March, Iran had already become one of the worst-affected countries. The only countries hit harder have been Italy, and China, where the virus originated.

Source: Reuters

The extent of the outbreak has been astonishing, with leaders, top officials, lawmakers, clerics, and members of the country's Revolutionary Guards all growing ill.

The extent of the outbreak has been astonishing, with leaders, top officials, lawmakers, clerics, and members of the country

Source: Reuters

The patients so far include dozens of the country's 290 members of parliament, and it's believed that two members have died.

The patients so far include dozens of the country

Also among the infected was a vice president, Eshaq Jahangiri. One adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has died, and another one has tested positive and been quarantined.

Also among the infected was a vice president, Eshaq Jahangiri. One adviser to Iran

On March 17, the state news agency IRNA reported that the 78-year-old Ayatollah Hashem Bathayi Golpayegani had died just two days after testing positive for the virus. The powerful cleric had been a member of the body charged with appointing the supreme leader.

On March 17, the state news agency IRNA reported that the 78-year-old Ayatollah Hashem Bathayi Golpayegani had died just two days after testing positive for the virus. The powerful cleric had been a member of the body charged with appointing the supreme leader.

Source: Al Jazeera

Yet even as citizens and top officials were growing ill, the Iranian government predicted that the outbreak would not be a problem. Early reports indicated that security agents were placed in each hospital to forbid workers from leaking information about fatalities or equipment shortages.

Yet even as citizens and top officials were growing ill, the Iranian government predicted that the outbreak would not be a problem. Early reports indicated that security agents were placed in each hospital to forbid workers from leaking information about fatalities or equipment shortages.

But that response was not sustainable, and the country soon moved to shut down all schools and universities, as well as public spaces, including some shrines, mosques, and other religious sites.

But that response was not sustainable, and the country soon moved to shut down all schools and universities, as well as public spaces, including some shrines, mosques, and other religious sites.

Since then, Iranian authorities have taken a number of additional steps to contain the spread, including freeing some 85,000 inmates to prevent outbreaks in prisons.

Since then, Iranian authorities have taken a number of additional steps to contain the spread, including freeing some 85,000 inmates to prevent outbreaks in prisons.

Namaki, the health minister, also announced a plan to deploy 300,000 militiamen to go door-to-door and disinfect residents' homes — though many doctors pushed back, saying the militiamen might further transmit the virus.

Namaki, the health minister, also announced a plan to deploy 300,000 militiamen to go door-to-door and disinfect residents

Officials have also threatened to execute people who stockpile protective items like face masks.

Officials have also threatened to execute people who stockpile protective items like face masks.

It's still unclear how many coronavirus cases exist in Iran, but preliminary research conducted by six Canadian epidemiologists published late last month estimated that there could have been 18,300 cases by February 25. Given that the virus has spread so quickly in the weeks since then, the current figure is likely much higher.


Source: medRxiv

As for the official number of cases, the Iranian government has pegged it at 16,169 by Tuesday. But that number is likely an underestimate, since Iran also has a shortage of COVID-19 tests.

As for the official number of cases, the Iranian government has pegged it at 16,169 by Tuesday. But that number is likely an underestimate, since Iran also has a shortage of COVID-19 tests.

Sources: WHO, Reuters

Some critics have also blamed American sanctions on Iran for preventing the country from receiving necessary medical supplies, humanitarian relief, and raw materials. Iranian health workers have also reported difficulties receiving masks, ventilators, and other protective gear to treat patients.

Some critics have also blamed American sanctions on Iran for preventing the country from receiving necessary medical supplies, humanitarian relief, and raw materials. Iranian health workers have also reported difficulties receiving masks, ventilators, and other protective gear to treat patients.

But one of the most disturbing signs yet of the nation's struggle to combat the surging outbreak has been satellite images published March 12, showing massive 100-yard trenches apparently meant to bury coronavirus victims.

But one of the most disturbing signs yet of the nation

Experts said the size of the pits and the speed of their excavation revealed that the problem is a unique one — typical Iranian burial practices involve individual and family plots. Instead, these newly dug trenches reveal row after row of graves covered in lime to block the smell of decaying bodies.

Experts said the size of the pits and the speed of their excavation revealed that the problem is a unique one — typical Iranian burial practices involve individual and family plots. Instead, these newly dug trenches reveal row after row of graves covered in lime to block the smell of decaying bodies.

Videos from the site of the trenches revealed that workers had buried more than 250 coronavirus victims as of March 3. By that point, the Iranian government had reported just 77 deaths.

Videos from the site of the trenches revealed that workers had buried more than 250 coronavirus victims as of March 3. By that point, the Iranian government had reported just 77 deaths.

On Tuesday, an Iranian state TV journalist cited research from Tehran's Sharif University of Technology that estimated the country could see 4 million cases of COVID-19 and and 3.5 million deaths if people don't comply with the government's travel warnings and guidance to socially isolate.

On Tuesday, an Iranian state TV journalist cited research from Tehran

Source: AP

If they do comply, he said, the estimate was that 120,000 people could be infected and 12,000 could die. The Iranian state TV journalist didn't offer more information on the research, or say whether it was published or peer-reviewed.

If they do comply, he said, the estimate was that 120,000 people could be infected and 12,000 could die. The Iranian state TV journalist didn

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