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The 10 biggest asteroids that pose a threat to Earth in 2020

The biggest asteroid to fly past the planet in 2020 will be the massive four-kilometre wide 52768 (1998 OR2) at 31,320 kilometres per hour (kph).

The 10 biggest asteroids that pose a threat to Earth in 2020

Asteroid 136795 (1997 BQ) comes in second but it’s still a kilometre wide. It’s also faster at 42,048 kph and will be flying marginally closer to Earth than 52768 (1998 OR2).

Asteroid 136795 (1997 BQ) comes in second but it’s still a kilometre wide. It’s also faster at 42,048 kph and will be flying marginally closer to Earth than 52768 (1998 OR2).

Only a few meters short of being a kilometre wide, Asteroid 163373 (2002 PZ39) will be third biggest asteroid to approach Earth on 15 February 2020 — one day after the world’s Valentine’s celebrations.

Only a few meters short of being a kilometre wide, Asteroid 163373 (2002 PZ39) will be third biggest asteroid to approach Earth on 15 February 2020 — one day after the world’s Valentine’s celebrations.

Not only is Asteroid 153201 (2000 WO107) one of the biggest space rocks to shoot past Earth in 2020 but it’s also one of the fastest. The asteroid will be going at 90,252 kph at it makes its approach on 29 November.

Not only is Asteroid 153201 (2000 WO107) one of the biggest space rocks to shoot past Earth in 2020 but it’s also one of the fastest. The asteroid will be going at 90,252 kph at it makes its approach on 29 November.

Asteroid 163348 (2002 NN4) is scheduled to streak past Earth on 6 June 2020 at 40,140 kph.

Asteroid 163348 (2002 NN4) is scheduled to streak past Earth on 6 June 2020 at 40,140 kph.

Asteroid (2019 UO) will be the first asteroid to visit Earth in 2020 on the top 10 list. It’s scheduled to past the planet on 10 January at 33,840 kph.

Asteroid (2019 UO) will be the first asteroid to visit Earth in 2020 on the top 10 list. It’s scheduled to past the planet on 10 January at 33,840 kph.

Coming in for a summer visit, Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) will zoom past Earth on 10 May 2020. The half-a-kilometre wide space rock will be fleeting at 31,608 kph.

Coming in for a summer visit, Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3) will zoom past Earth on 10 May 2020. The half-a-kilometre wide space rock will be fleeting at 31,608 kph.

The month of May will be rocked by another visitor, Asteroid 438908 (2009 XO). Even though it’s smaller, the asteroid will be flying past three days prior to Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3). It will also be moving significantly faster at 46,008 kph.

The month of May will be rocked by another visitor, Asteroid 438908 (2009 XO). Even though it’s smaller, the asteroid will be flying past three days prior to Asteroid 388945 (2008 TZ3). It will also be moving significantly faster at 46,008 kph.

Asteroid (2012 XA133) will be the ninth-largest space rock to hurtle past the planet in 2020. Even though it will be a good distance away, the asteroid will be travelling at an impressively 85,212 kph.

Asteroid (2012 XA133) will be the ninth-largest space rock to hurtle past the planet in 2020. Even though it will be a good distance away, the asteroid will be travelling at an impressively 85,212 kph.


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