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Mrs Bector’s Food IPO investors saw their money double on listing day

Mrs Bector’s Food IPO investors saw their money double on listing day
Stock Market2 min read
  • Mrs Bector’s Food shares debuted on the bourses today at a premium of over 73%.
  • An investment of ₹14,400 in the company is now worth almost ₹30,000 – more than doubling investor wealth on listing day.
  • Mrs Bector’s is a premium biscuit-maker and counts McDonald’s, Indian Railways as well as government canteens amongst its clients.
Mrs Bector’s Food Specialties had a record-breaking initial public offering (IPO), receiving subscriptions worth ₹40,000 crore for an offer of ₹540 crore. That has translated into a bumper listing as 2020 draws to an end.

The shares of Mrs Bector’s opened at ₹500 - a 73% premium over the issue price of ₹288 per share. At 10:00 am, Mrs Bector’s share price was hovering around ₹590 - more than double the issue price.

If you received allotment, your investment of ₹14,400 in 50 shares is now worth almost ₹30,000.

This was the second initial public offer this month to have received an overwhelming response – the first one being Burger King India, which is one of its clients. The Mrs Bector’s IPO garnered 198 times subscription.

What’s Mrs Bector’s business all about?

Mrs Bector’s is a premium biscuit-maker and leading supplier of buns to fast-food chains like McDonald’s, the Indian Railways as well as government canteens.

The legend goes that company’s flagship brand "Mrs Bector's Cremica" was born out of the Hindi phrase “cream ka” (made of cream) when Rajni used to sell ice creams. Her recipes became so popular that the initial investment of ₹20,000 is today a ₹1,000-crore business spanning countries.

“Today as you know, we are one of the leading brands in biscuits and bakery business in North India, and we have established this brand from scratch. We hold a 4.5% market share in North India. We export 12% of the total biscuit exports from India,” Anoop Bector, Rajni’s son and the Managing Director of the company told Business Insider in an interview.

What are the analysts saying?

According to Angel Broking, Mrs Bector’s Foods IPO was priced at a significant discount compared to Britannia Industries, Nestle India, Prataap Snacks and DFM Foods — and given the significant discount compared to listed peers there is “comfort” on the valuation.

Mrs Bector’s price-to-earnings ratio is also on the lower side compared to its competitors.

According to analysts at Angel Broking, for Mrs Bector’s Foods, an investor is willing to pay ₹27.9 now for every rupee earned in profit a year down the line. And that is too small a price to pay, according to Angel Broking, and therefore the stock price is likely to gain as the fears recede.

The proceeds from the IPO will be used by the company to finance a new production line of biscuits at its Rajpura facility in Punjab.


INTERVIEW: Home recipes that are set for a $73 million IPO⁠— Mrs Bector’s Food is no cookie cutter

Mrs Bectors Food Specialities IPO allotment today: Here’s how to check share allotment status


