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4 ways to beat competition in business

1. Find weak spots:

4 ways to beat competition in business

2. Be around:

2. Be around:
If you stay ready, you won’t waste time in preparing yourself. A competitor is always just around the corner. When something becomes more profitable, or cheaper, there will always be competition. Netflix went up against Blockbuster and effectively took them out. They created a crisis for the aging turnkey business, something they were not expecting, simply because they failed to anticipate.

3. Change your technology:

3. Change your technology:
Robbins suggests keep innovating. There was a time when having a GPS device in your vehicle meant something and now it is not a big deal. Always anticipate change in technology and be prepared.

4. Change in culture:

4. Change in culture:
Change the culture and make the usual redundant. There was a time of audio cassettes then CDs same in and now everything is available online. Welcome to the new digital age and a change in culture.

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