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6 science-backed tips to boost your memory and become highly successful

1. Write is down:

6 science-backed tips to boost your memory and become highly successful

2. Take a break:

2. Take a break:
When you read something, take a break. You will recall the information easily. Taking a break helps in memory consolidation and retention.

3. Combine information:

3. Combine information:
If you chunk up information in parts, you will remember it, just like mobilephone numbers or bank account number. Make small groups of information you want to retain.

4. Memory palace:

4. Memory palace:
You don’t need to be a Sherlock for this. If you practice creating a memory palace and create a room in your mind, you will remember everything. Just create a house in your mind and place things and information in that house. You will remember it.

5. Avoid multitasking:

5. Avoid multitasking:
You have to be attentive. When you multitask, you cannot concentrate on one activity fully and you are always distracted. Focus on one thing at a time.

6. Make an emotional connection:

6. Make an emotional connection:
Scientists say you are able to recall better when you make an emotional connection. You create stronger memories.

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