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7 things you should give up to become rich and successful

1. Hitting the snooze button

7 things you should give up to become rich and successful

2. Skipping breakfast and lunch:

2.	Skipping breakfast and lunch:
You have to eat well and healthy so that you don’t feel fatigued while working. Some people get ‘hangry’ and this leads to lot of negativity around. Don’t keep your stomach empty during the day.

3. Saying yes to things you don’t want to do:

3.	Saying yes to things you don’t want to do:
You should learn to listen to your intuition. If your gut feeling says you cannot do it, turn it down.

4. Over-spending:

4. Over-spending:
Don’t spend more than what you earn. Save your money as savings are going to help you in the long run. Remember the old adage ‘A penny saved is a penny earned’.

5. Late:

5. Late:
If you have a meeting at 11 am, reach early but don’t show up late. This is a bad habit you should immediately ditch.

6. Excuses:

6. Excuses:
Own up to your mistakes and don’t give lame excuses or blame others for your own mistakes. Own it up and learn from your mistakes. You should set the right precedent for others.

7. Controlling:

7. Controlling:
Get this straight-You cannot do everything alone. You have to trust others and delegate work.

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