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9 of the biggest mistakes startup entrepreneurs make

9 of the biggest mistakes startup entrepreneurs make



Don't make some of these startup mistakes.

  • Potential startup $4 can oftentimes get swept up in the excitement of their ideas, products, and services and make some devastating, yet common, mistakes.
  • Underestimating the amount of time and $4 needed to get your company going can lead to serious cash flow issues down the line.
  • And failing to adjust to the market and respond to consumer needs can also ensure a $4 failure.
  • Here are some of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when trying to get their startups off the ground.
  • $4.

You've got a great idea, you're brimming with enthusiasm, and you're pretty sure that the world is going to beat a path to your door to buy your new product or service.

But the road ahead will be filled with speed bumps and potholes, from outside competition to legal disputes within your own company.

To help you steer clear of at least some of them, we asked several successful entrepreneurs and experts for their take on the biggest mistakes that startup entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them.

Here are the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when trying to get their startups off the ground.


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