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5 easy ways to make your smartphone safer

5 easy ways to make your smartphone safer


Drew Angerer/Getty Images

  • Our $4 hold a massive amount of personal data, which means it's important to keep them secure.
  • Using a password manager to create strong passwords, being selective about app permissions, and keeping your phone's software up to date are all measures that can help keep your data private.
  • $4

We use our smartphones for just about everything, from mobile banking to hailing a cab, capturing and sharing photos, ordering food, and staying in touch with friends and family. As such, it's important to make sure that the information on your phone remains secure and is only accessible to the people and apps you intend to share it with.

As $4 become all the more common, with social apps like Instagram and Facebook, hotel chains like Marriott Starwood, and credit bureau Equifax all falling victim to breaches in recent years, keeping your web activity safe can be all the more critical.

Here's a look at a few easy steps you can take to make using your smartphone more secure.



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