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Before you breathe, use these apps to check if the air is clean enough

Before you breathe, use these apps to check if the air is clean enough
  • With winter coming, the air quality in major Indian cities like Delhi, Chennai, Bombay and Bangalore is only set to get worse.
  • Mobile apps can't clean up the air but can help your better prepare for the deteriorating air quality.
  • One size does not fit all, so each app has a unique characteristic that could make it perfect for your requirement.

Air pollution isn’t just something that we read about in school and can ignore as we go about our lives. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai measure ‘severe’ on the Air Quality Index (AQI) as winter starts to kick in.

However, a number of mobile applications allow users to monitor the level of air pollution in their immediate area. It doesn’t make the air cleaner but it can help prepare for what’s in store — like when you wear a mask out of the house, guilt trip you into using public transport instead of the car, or maybe invest in air purifier so that it’s at least to safe breather inside the house.

These apps don’t actually measure the air quality that’s immediately around you but uses data feeds from monitoring stations to tell you what the air is like in your area.

Here are some fun apps you can download on your phone to track air quality in your area on a daily basis:


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