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Here’s how companies can get the hybrid work model right

Here’s how companies can get the hybrid work model right
  • Hybrid allows for better work-life balance, improved employee satisfaction and reduced commuting costs for employees.
  • Higher employee contentment and retention, increased productivity, and cost reductions on physical resources are all advantages for the organisation.
  • Policies governing device use, network security, and performance standards are all required for remote work.

A study has found that $4 would like to work remotely, at least some of the time, for the rest of their careers.

Initially, when the epidemic sent most employees home almost overnight, there were some obstacles to transitioning to the new work-from-home lives. Individual teams grappled with specific logistical obstacles to their workflows in the new remote status. There were technology and equipment considerations to sort out, testing protocols and processes to tweak, and specific logistical problems that various teams grappled with in the new work format.

Now the 'new normal' has taken over and companies are putting hybrid work at the heart of their culture. ‘Rethinking work’ does not include returning to the office but striking a balance between working from the office and home. That, in turn, is a massive undertaking, and it all starts with a focus on the employees. How can organisations get it right?
Higher productivity drives the digital work state
It has been well established that remote or hybrid working does not reduce productivity. In fact, in a $4 on remote work, 77% of remote workers said that they were more productive when working from home. That’s a big step forward for acceptance of a hybrid work culture. Better work-life balance is the main reason why people choose to work remotely, according to the study.

Another upside is that employees appreciate the freedom of working remotely with the management also convinced that this is the way forward. The above report found that 85% of managers believed that having teams with remote workers would become the new norm.

The companies also need to put in place policies governing device use, network security, and performance standards to get the most out of remote work.

Leaders need to recognise their true needs and provide teams with tools and solutions that they would enjoy. Employee centricity also entails considering the quality of the experience at the crossroads of work activity, work mode, technology, location and environment. Organisations that are updated with ‘digital maturity’ will find it easier to adopt a hybrid work culture, which has become essential for business survival in today's unprecedented environment.
Eliminating hurdles and issues
With hybrid teams, ambiguity is a regular problem. Clarity is the cornerstone of team collaboration. To avoid confusion and disengagement, organisations must ensure clarity in communicating accurate job descriptions, recruiting procedures, onboarding processes and defining the company culture. Employees who work for companies that do not provide clear communication will be agitated or apprehensive, which can lead to conflict. Leaders should act as facilitators so that everyone in the team can share their ideas and work together to achieve their goals.

Building interpersonal bonds could be another major problem for hybrid teams. In-house teams have a stronger sense of camaraderie than those that work remotely. Scheduling regular video sessions with the entire team can help create a bond. Additionally, pencilling in virtual coffee sessions, small talk during calls, using enterprise collaboration tools and social-focused team meetings allow employees to be united.
Micromanagement: A strict no
While there are some management styles that work well in a remote workplace, micromanagement is not among them. Some companies sought to incorporate tracking software during the start of the pandemic, but it only caused more difficulties. In-office and remote personnel need to be given ample breathing room to complete their tasks. Micromanaging each move creates a hostile work atmosphere as it fosters the belief in employees that they can't be trusted to execute the job they were recruited to do.

Telling remote workers that they are being watched because they aren't in the office doesn’t work either. Many businesses have learnt this the hard way when they had to let go of important staff as a result of micromanagement.
Gaining trust
One of the most difficult aspects of forming a hybrid team is gaining the trust of both in-office and remote employees. Leaders must take the necessary steps to guarantee that each team member is valued equally. Building relationships with all team members is important while leading a hybrid team.

Even as an employee, the acceptance of hybrid work is driving up company loyalty. The Remote work Report says – “74% of workers say that having the option to work remotely would make them less likely to leave a company.” In the times of The Great Resignation, this could be a significant support for any organisation that wants to retain its best talents.
Good leadership essential for success
Effective leaders overcame their initial apprehension by setting clear goals, giving support and focusing on outcomes rather than on time spent. Excellent leaders instil confidence in their teams. They implement a framework of accountability to ensure that the task is completed accurately and on time. This is what firms need to successfully implement a hybrid work culture!


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