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Instagram settles the debate on where hashtags should go — comments or caption

Instagram settles the debate on where hashtags should go — comments or caption
Tech2 min read
  • Hashtags are one of the most important tools for your content to gain reach on Instagram.
  • But there have been doubts about whether hashtags should be in the caption or comments.
  • Instagram has clarified it which should make things easier for a lot of people.
Instagram is one of the leading platforms for creators, and also for the average user who fancy a few likes and views. Instagram’s algorithm is one tough cookie to crack but there are tons of tips and guides on how to increase your reach on the platform. One popular debate is where you should put hashtags for your post — in the caption or comments. According to Instagram, it’s in the caption.

This was made clear through Instagram’s Creators account where it shares tips on how to grow your audience. Here, Instagram says you should use relevant keywords and hashtags in the caption and “NOT” the comments. Instagram’s search tool is like going down a rabbit hole so hashtags are one of your best and only bets at increasing your reach. So if you’ve been dumping all your hashtags in comments then you should probably stop that. Putting hashtags in the caption may end up making it look messy but one way of keeping them hidden is by leaving ample space between the hashtags and the text.

Instagram clearing this debate can actually be helpful for people trying to grow their reach on the platform. There have been several articles and even studies trying to understand where one should put their hashtags.

Using the right hashtags and keywords are also another important factor. If you are doing it the right way but not using the right hashtags then you’ll have to work on that too. You can easily check what are the trending hashtags and use them and also use hashtags that are relevant to your post. You also don’t want to spam with a bunch of unrelated hashtags which might drive some of your followers away.

Instagram also suggests using keywords of what you do or what your account is about in your bio. This may help in bringing your profile up in search results.


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