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How to stop your Google Chrome browser from blocking downloads temporarily or permanently

Dave Johnson   

How to stop your Google Chrome browser from blocking downloads temporarily or permanently
  • You can stop Google Chrome from blocking downloads by temporarily turning off the Safe Browsing feature, located in the Privacy and security section of Chrome's Settings page.
  • Chrome's Safe Browsing feature is designed to protect you from malicious websites and infected files that can damage your computer or compromise your security.
  • After you download the blocked file, it's a good idea to re-enable Safe Browsing.

Chrome's built-in security tools are your first line of defense against online malware, including dangerous websites and malicious downloads.

Unfortunately, Chrome is sometimes too cautious and can block perfectly safe files, which it believes might be dangerous.

If you are trying to download a file, but Chrome won't allow it, you can temporarily (or permanently) disable the browser's security. Of course, you should be sure the file is safe before you choose to override Chrome's protection.

Here's how to do it.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to stop Chrome from blocking downloads

1. Open Chrome and click the three-dot menu at the top right of the window.

2. In the drop-down menu, choose "Settings."

3. On the Settings page, in the You and Google section, click "Privacy and security."

4. In the Privacy and Security section of the main page, click "Security."

5. In the Safe Browsing section, click "No protection (not recommended)" to turn the feature off.

6. Click "Turn off" in the pop-up to confirm you want to do this.

7. Download the file that was blocked.

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