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A freelance writer says ChatGPT wrote a $600 article in just 30 seconds

Beatrice Nolan   

A freelance writer says ChatGPT wrote a $600 article in just 30 seconds
  • Freelance writer Henry Williams said ChatGPT wrote a convincing article in just 30 seconds.
  • Williams told The Guardian the article needed a little editing, but was worth £500 ($615).

A freelance writer said his amusement with Open AI's ChatGPT turned to "horror" after the bot knocked together a nearly-finished marketing article in just 30 seconds.

Writing in $4 on Tuesday, Henry Williams said the bot's article needed a little editing — but once edited, was something he'd have charged £500 ($615) to write.

Williams said the bot's article was simplistically-structured and written in an inhuman tone, but the "key points, the grammar, and the syntax were all spot on."

He added: "I'm pretty sure artificial intelligence is going to take my job."

ChatGPT, which drew more than $4 soon after its launch, is a large-language model praised for its ability to $4. The chat bot has only been open to the public since November but quickly grew to become a viral hit global hit, sparking interest from $4.

Although the bot's capabilities are still being tested, the technology has shown promise $4 and $4, and has even "passed" a Wharton $4.

Williams suggested in $4 that writers and editors "will still be needed, but fewer of them. A human will prompt AI to generate mountains of copy, only intervening again to fact-check, amend and approve."

However, ChatGPT has shown a tendency to confidently present $4 as true, sparking concern that it could contribute to the $4 across the internet.

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