You can contact eBay for any issues you might be having with selling or buying items.
- Whether you have an issue with an item you just received in the mail or a question about how to start selling items on eBay, you can contact eBay and a company representative will be ready to help you out.
- For customer service issues such as finding an order that never arrived, you can call customer support at 1-866-540-3229; for tech support use 1-866-961-9253.
- Through the "Help & Contact" section on eBay's site, you can narrow down your issue to receive a specific 866 number, which you can call with an accompanying passcode that you'll need to enter.
- You can also contact eBay via Twitter or ask questions of the eBay Community, but you can't email eBay for customer support.
- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Whether you have issues with an order that never arrived, a product that showed up damaged or defective, or you yourself are an eBay seller and are having issues with a customer, you don't have to face your issues alone. eBay has service reps on hand to help you, so just contact eBay and ask for a little assistance.
The solutions to many common eBay issues can be found in a number of pithy articles published on the site - think topics like "Return an item for a refund" or "Tracking your item." You can find these articles by punching a few keywords into the search bar under the "Help & Contact" section of the site.

Steven John/Business Insider
Many issues can be resolved quickly just by reading through past articles or eBay Community forums - you're probably not the first person to have the issue.
You can also turn to the eBay community to ask a question (and browse past Q&A sessions) or you can even try Tweeting at eBay via the @AskeBay Twitter handle.
Surprisingly, though, the best way to get in touch with eBay is pretty old school. Just pick up the phone and give them a call. Or ask them to call you so you don't have to wait on hold.
For the fastest support, don't use the main customer service number, but instead take a minute to describe your issue via the site to get connected to the right department.
How to contact eBay customer support for specific issues
1. Log into your eBay account - you will need to be logged into your account so that you can get a code that you will use to connect to the right department.
2. Click "Help & Contact" at the top of the screen, then scroll down and click "Call us."
3. Click on the issue that most closely aligns with yours ("Buying" or "Account," e.g.) and then select the even more specific topic on the next page.
4. Note the one-time passcode you are issued, then call the 866 number on the screen and get the help you need from eBay.

Steven John/Business Insider
You need to get a one-time passcode from eBay in order to make swift use of their customer service offerings.