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  4. 'Maybe it has covid': Elon Musk jokes that he allegedly caused California's health department website to crash after he linked to it during a Twitter rant

'Maybe it has covid': Elon Musk jokes that he allegedly caused California's health department website to crash after he linked to it during a Twitter rant

Paige Leskin   

'Maybe it has covid': Elon Musk jokes that he allegedly caused California's health department website to crash after he linked to it during a Twitter rant
  • Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been active on Twitter this week $4 in the US.
  • On Wednesday night, $4 using data from the California Health and Human Services Agency, claiming the state's low hospitalization rates are a reason to ease lockdown measures.
  • An hour after tweeting a link to CHHS' data portal, Musk said $4. "Maybe it has covid," he wrote on Twitter.
  • Some who are against the lockdown $4 as evidence that the impact of the coronavirus has been exaggerated. However, many hospitals $4 to free up space for COVID-19 patients, and others have cited $4 due to stay-at-home orders.
  • $4.

After days of bashing US lockdown orders to his 33 million followers $4, Elon Musk took aim at the California health department in his latest coronavirus-related tirade.

On Wednesday night, Musk $4 the data portal for the California Health and Human Services Agency, which provides up-to-date information on the number of coronavirus-related deaths, cases, and hospital patients who have tested positive across the state. An hour later, Musk wrote that the CHHS site had crashed.

"Maybe it has covid," $4.

Business Insider has been unable to verify that the server for the $4 experienced outages Wednesday night, although the data portal was working without issues by Thursday morning. The California Department of Public Health — the division overseeing CHHS — said it is looking into the claims. Cloudflare, the cybersecurity company whose network CHHS operates on, did not respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

Musk $4 bashing US lockdown orders, slamming leaders for taking away people's freedoms and $4 for reopening businesses. Also this week, in $4, Musk called the stay-at-home measures "fascist" and said they go against people's constitutional rights.

Musk tweeted a graph that was built using data from CHHS to show that $4 who have tested positive for COVID-19 occupying California hospital beds. $4 hospital beds across the state. Musk accompanied his graph with the claim, "hospitals in California have been half empty this whole time."

More than 45,000 people in California have tested positive for COVID-19, the coronavirus disease, and $4 that more than half of the state's 40 million residents could be infected. Newsom has warned that the $4 for coronavirus patients by mid-May if no intervention measures are taken.

Musk's sentiment that the number of coronavirus cases and $4 has been exaggerated has been echoed by conservative pundits and conspiracy theorists online. There have been $4 in recent weeks, and continual surges of misinformation around the virus. One viral movement, tagged with #FilmYourHospital, encourages people to share photos on social media of apparently empty hospitals to show that the medical community isn't $4.

However, there are a number of factors that could be contributing to the low number of hospital beds that are occupied in California. The state has been under a lockdown order $4, and has been directed to adhere to social distancing guidelines "until further notice." A recent study found that since the lockdown orders went into place in California, the number of traffic collisions and resulting patients $4. Additionally, hospital beds in the state have been freed up after many hospitals in California $4.

Musk has consistently downplayed the severity of the novel coronavirus since mid-March. Early on, $4 "the panic will cause more harm than the virus, if that hasn't happened already." Tesla had previously encouraged employees to return to work April 29, despite instructions from California that staff had to stay home until at least May 4. $4 that Tesla has since canceled plans to make employees return to work by the end of April.

Early on Thursday, $4 "LIBERTY" in all caps, along with several American flag emoji and an Apple Animoji of a unicorn using explicit language. $4.

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