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WHERE ARE THEY NOW: Meet Facebook's 20 First Users

20. Joe Green

WHERE ARE THEY NOW: Meet Facebook's 20 First Users

19. Eduardo Saverin

19. Eduardo Saverin

Original Profile ID: 41

Early connection to Facebook: Saverin was Zuckerberg's rich friend who helped finance the company in its early days. He also worked on Facebook's early advertising efforts.

What he's doing now: After winning a legal battle with Facebook which let him retain his co-founder status, Saverin began angel investing in startups like Qwiki and Chris Hughes' Jumo. In 2011, Saverin (who was born in Brazil) renounced his U.S. citizenship, likely because of the taxes he'd have to pay following Facebook's public offering. He says he has no hard feelings when it comes to Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg, who ousted him from the company shortly after its launch.

18. Ebonie Hazle

18. Ebonie Hazle

Original Profile ID: 40 (ID 39 does not exist)

Early connection to Facebook: Hazle attended Harvard from 2002 until 2006. She is Facebook friends with Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Hughes, and she joined Facebook the day it launched.

What she's doing now: Hazle was a member of Harvard Ballet Company and went on to attend law school. Now she's an associate at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, according to her LinkedIn profile.

17. Alana V. Davis

17. Alana V. Davis

Original Profile ID: 38

What she's doing now: Davis went on to get her MBA from Harvard. She's currently employed by Google and formerly worked for NBC and Walt Disney Company, according to her LinkedIn profile.

16. David Hammer

16. David Hammer

Original Profile ID: 37

How he knew about Facebook: He went to Harvard and was friends with other early Facebook members including Mark Kaganovich, Kang-Xing Jin, Andrei Boros, Colin Kelly, Andrew McCollum, Arie Hasit, and Chris Hughes.

Hammer recalls working with Zuckerberg and Jin early on the product. "I have vivid memories of hanging out with Mark and Kang-Xing in a dorm basement, looking at Facebook’s usage stats as they went through the roof and being pretty excited about it," he was told BuzzFeed.

What he's doing now: Hammer graduated from Harvard and joined Google. He's since founded a company,, which pays people to lend advice and help others network.

15. David Jakus

15. David Jakus

Original Profile ID: 36

What he's doing now: Jakus graduated from Harvard in 2006, moved to New York, and became an analyst for Aquiline Advisors.

14. Colin Jackson

14. Colin Jackson

Original Profile ID: 35

Early connection to Facebook: Jackson first learned about Facebook through his fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi's listserve. Mark Zuckerberg was also a member of AEPi.

What he's doing now: Jackson became a research assistant at Rockefeller University and now studies medicine at Tufts.

13. Kang-Xing Jin

13. Kang-Xing Jin

Original Profile ID: 34

Early connection to Facebook: Jin went to Harvard and was in at least two of Zuckerberg's classes: CS182 - Intelligent Machines and CS121 - Introduction to Computational Theory. He worked on Facebook with Zuckerberg while they were at Harvard together.

What he's doing now: Jin joined Facebook after he graduated from Harvard in 2006. He's now Facebook's Director of Engineering.

12. Sarah Goodin

12. Sarah Goodin

Original Profile ID: 33

How she knew about Facebook: Goodin was the first woman on Facebook. She was friends with other early Facebook member, Samyr Laine. Goodin lived in Straus Hall at Harvard. Laine was one of her hallmates, and he was Mark Zuckerberg's roommate.

What she's doing now: Goodin is getting her masters from California College of the Arts. She was formerly a publicity and marketing associate at Phaidon Press.

11. Samyr Laine

11. Samyr Laine

Original Profile ID: 32

Early connection to Facebook: Laine was roommates with Mark Zuckerberg. He was a track and field athlete; he and Zuckerberg had different circles of friends. They played a lot of Play Station together and neither got much sleep.

What he's doing now: Laine competed in the 2012 London Olympics. He's writing a book and working on a foundation for Haiti children.

10. Zach Bercu

10. Zach Bercu

Original Profile ID: 31

Early connection to Facebook: Bercu first learned about the network through his fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi's listserve. Mark Zuckerberg was also a member of AEPi.

What he's doing now: Bercu spent a year in Israel after his graduation from Harvard. He also studied medicine at Emory. He then joined NYC's Mount Saini in its radiology department.

9. Manuel Antonio (Tono) Aguilar

9. Manuel Antonio (Tono) Aguilar

Original Profile ID: 30

Early connection to Facebook: Aguilar's roommate, Mark Kaganovich, had a few math classes with Zuckerberg and was encouraged to sign up early for Facebook.

What he's doing now: Aguilar is in Guatemala. He was an analyst and trader. He's since co-founded two startups, a renewable energy company called Quetsol and a self-sufficient village for Guatemalan families called La Independencia. Aguilar is currently the president of a construction company, CASSA.

8. Andrei Boros

8. Andrei Boros

Original Profile ID: 29

What he's doing now: Boros is in London working as an Options Trader for CapeView Capital.

7. Mark Kaganovich

7. Mark Kaganovich

Original Profile ID: 28

His connection to early Facebook: Kaganovich had a few math classes with Zuckerberg, according to BuzzFeed's Rob Fishman. "I remember [Zuckerberg] urging me to put up a profile picture, because I was slow to do so,” Kaganovich told Fishman. Tono Aguilar was Kaganovich's roommate.

What he's doing now: Kaganovich got his PhD from Stanford University in 2013. He's now the founder and CEO of SolveBio, a software company that analyzes heath data.

6. Colin Kelly

6. Colin Kelly

Original Profile ID: 27

What he's doing now: Kelly has spent the last three or so years as a lawyer working on the Windsor vs. United States case which ruled that the government can't discriminate against same-sex marriages when it comes to federal benefits.

5. Andrew McCollum

5. Andrew McCollum

Original Profile ID: 26 (IDs 8-25 either do not exist or they were later assigned to Facebook engineers)

Early connection to Facebook: McCollum was a Harvard student who was in Mark Zuckerberg's CS161: Operating Systems class. Zuckerberg asked McCollum to design Facebook's first logo.

What he's doing now: McCollum joined Flybridge Capital Partners as an entrepreneur in residence in 2011. Then he became one at VC firm NEA. Now he's invested and involved in other tech startups, such as Quilt and JobSpice.

4. Arie Hasit

4. Arie Hasit

Original Profile ID: 7

Early connection to Facebook: Hasit was the first non-founder to sign up for Facebook. Hammer knew Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes and Zuckerberg and credits himself with Facebook's birthday notifications feature. He told BuzzFeed the feature was added the day after he discussed it with Mark Zuckerberg.

What he's doing now: Hasit is a rabbi in Israel. He's a spiritual leader for a religious youth group there, NOAM.

3. Dustin Moskovitz

3. Dustin Moskovitz

Original Profile ID: 6

Early connection to Facebook: Moskovitz co-founded Facebook and was college roommates with Zuckerberg.

What he's doing now: Co-founder at Asana, investor in tech startups such as Path, Venmo, Flipboard and NationBuilder.

2. Chris Hughes

2. Chris Hughes

Original Profile ID: 5

Early connection to Facebook: Hughes co-founded Facebook and was college roommates with Zuckerberg.

What he's doing now: Hughes went on to co-found Jumo, a startup that tries to utilize social media to change the world. He is also an investor in UpWorthy, a viral news startup. His husband, Sean Eldridge, is interested in politics and in earning a congressional seat. The pair bought a multimillion-dollar home in the Hudson Valley, possibly with the hope of moving Eldridge's political career forward.

1. Mark Zuckerberg

1. Mark Zuckerberg

Original Profile ID: 4 (IDs 1-3 may have been associated with Zuckerberg but the profile pages no longer exist)

Potential connection to early Facebook: Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook.

What he's doing now: Running Facebook.

Bonus: Marcel Laverdet, Soleio Cuervo and Chris Putnam all have early account numbers but they weren't the first people to sign up for Facebook.

Bonus: Marcel Laverdet, Soleio Cuervo and Chris Putnam all have early account numbers but they weren

Profile IDs: 10, 11, and 13 respectively (IDs 8, 9 and 12 do not exist)

How they knew about Facebook: While Putnam, Laverdet and Cuervo have early Facebook IDs, they weren't extremely early users of the site. Some engineers who worked at Facebook saw some early IDs were open and snagged them for themselves. That's what happened here.

The three got jobs at Facebook by hacking and pranking the social network. These hacks caught the attention of co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, who contacted Putnam. When Putnam moved to Silicon Valley, Moskovitz offered him an interview at Facebook. Laverdet and Cuervo were later hired too.

What they're doing now: They've all left Facebook. Cuervo is currently head of design at Dropbox.

Some of the first members were also the first employees. Check out:

Some of the first members were also the first employees. Check out:

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