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The 10 things in advertising you need to know today

The 10 things in advertising you need to know today
AdvertisingAdvertising2 min read

Matt Weinberger/Business Insider

Pokémon Go.

Good morning. Here's everything you need to know in the world of advertising today.

1. Here's the letter two US senators sent to the FTC, urging it to clamp down on ad fraud. Democratic senators Mark Warner and Chuck Schumer said that ultimately consumers will end up paying the price of ad fraud, through higher costs for goods and services.

2. A top Wall Street analyst believes there's a chance Yahoo won't even be sold. Sun Trust analyst Bob Peck says there's a big possibility bid prices could have declined during the past month, which could see Yahoo walk away from a deal.

3. Meanwhile, Peck thinks that Twitter selling itself is "inevitable." "We think that if current user trends continue, M&A is inevitable for Twitter," he wrote in a note to investors Monday. "However, given the CEO's <1 yr tenure and a newly constituted board, we think an acquisition of Twitter in 2016 is highly unlikely."

4. Google used a woman's name on all its "Docs" templates. Casey Baumer has spent the last two years dealing with confused and angry messages.

5. Business Insider's Henry Blodget spoke to GE CMO Linda Boff on the digitization of industry. GE and BI Studios have created Digital Industry Insider, dedicated to bringing you what you need to know about digital industrial news and events.

6. The CEO behind 'Pokémon Go' explains why it's become such a phenomenon. John Hanke, CEO of Niantic, said the app came with three big goals in mind: exercise, "to see the world with new eyes," and "breaking the ice."

7. The nine things you should know about Amazon Prime Day. It's one of the biggest shopping events of the year.

8. A group of Israelis and Americans bereaved in Palestinian attacks said on Monday they would seek $1 billion in damages from Facebook for alleged complicity, as part of a suit filed in the United States. The plaintiffs accused Facebook of helping Hamas militants operate.

9. This chart from Ofcom shows how millennials in the UK are swapping TV time for Netflix. TV viewing amongst 16 to 24-year-olds has dropped 14 percentage points in two years, whereas viewing of subscription video on demand services increased by 14 percentage points in the same period.

10. Adweek has a long-read on how serial fraudster Bill Grizack duped a string of ad agencies and almost got away with it. The ad strategist was sentenced to five to seven years in prison last month for faking $269 million in client contracts.

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