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The 11 skills every 24-year-old should learn

The 11 skills every 24-year-old should learn

If like many people you stumble out of college in your early 20s, unsure of what to do next, you can be forgiven for needing a few years to get your bearings.

The transition from school to work (or more work), can take a bit of getting used to. And it can also be a fun time to try things and toss them away, to not worry so much about what's coming down the road.

But by 24, you have unquestionably entered adulthood, and it's good to start taking stock of what things you want to make sure you get a head start on. These choices could influence the rest of your life.

To help out, a bunch of people chimed in on $4. We narrowed it down to the top 11 pieces of advice.

Here they are:

Eugene Kim contributed to an earlier version of this story.


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