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Marianne Williamson
- Author and New Age spiritual thought leader, Marianne Williamson became an Internet meme overnight after her eye-brow raising performance at the first Democratic debates on June 27 in Miami.
- At multiple points during the debate, Williamson rejected the notion that providing detailed policy plans on issues like climate change and immigration would help Democrats defeat President Donald Trump.
- Williamson has been one of the most prominent spiritual gurus in Hollywood for decades, getting her big break with a 1992 interview with Oprah.
- Almost immediately after the debate, Twitter users began to re-surface the past 10 years of Williamson's colorful Twitter history, including in one giant master thread from BuzzFeed
News reporter Ellie Hall. - Here's INSIDER ranking of the 17 best vintage Williamson tweets we found.
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Author, New Age spiritual thought leader, Oprah Winfrey confidante and now presidential contender Marianne Williamson became an Internet meme and the subject of endless jokes overnight after her eye-brow raising performance at the first Democratic debates on June 27 in Miami.
At multiple points during the debate, Williamson rejected the notion that providing detailed policy plans on issues like climate change and immigration would help Democrats defeat President Donald Trump, and said the first thing she would do as president would to be call New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Arden.
She used her closing statement to talk about defeating Trump. "He's not going to be beaten by someone with plans," and addressing Trump directly, added, "you've harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out... I'm going to harness love for political purposes."
Williamson has been one of the most prominent spiritual gurus in Hollywood for decades, getting her big break with a 1992 interview with Oprah. While she's never held elected office before - running unsuccessfully for Congress in 2014 - she qualified for the first round of presidential debates by reaching 1% in three polls and gaining 65,000 unique donors.
Almost immediately after the debate, Twitter users began to re-surface the past 10 years of Williamson's colorful Twitter history, including in one giant master thread from BuzzFeed News reporter Ellie Hall.
Here's INSIDER ranking of the 17 best vintage Williamson tweets we found:
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Heaven is hipper today. Lou Reed 1942-2013.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) October 27, 2013
The mind wants this or that, but the heart just wants to go home.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) December 28, 2017
The world is chaos. The only antidote to chaos is to cultivate your inner world. You can't exit chaos from consciousness which is chaotic.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) April 13, 2009
Let's all of us give birth to more love in the world today. And then tomorrow too. And then the day after that.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) December 25, 2016
The entire universe is literally conspiring to give you an amazing day today. Co-conspire.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 8, 2016
Yin is feminine, earth; yang is masculine, sky. When God is seen as He, the soul is seen as She. Just archetypes. Spirit impregnates soul.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) May 20, 2009
Humanity needs a mental shower: we need to wash off all prejudices of the 20th Century and stand naked beneath the waters of eternal Truths.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) March 17, 2013
Each of us is pregnant with a better version of ourselves.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) August 8, 2012
Income inequality in America isn't just unethical or immoral; it is unsustainable. Anyone who has read Yertle the Turtle already knows this.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) November 24, 2013
You're a lamp; God is the electricity. You're a faucet; God is the water. You're a human; God is the divine within you. ALLOW the flow. #fb
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) March 17, 2010
If you want a simple explanation for what's happening in America, watch AVATAR again.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) October 26, 2017
All the films were good but AVATAR has changed the world. He didn't win an Oscar tonight, but James Cameron deserves a Nobel Peace Price #fb
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) March 8, 2010
This is not a time to mess around. Sony should pull the movie.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) December 17, 2014
Peacock feathers are created by peacocks eating thorns. Every thorn you have eaten can become a peacock feather too. #fb
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) December 6, 2009
Just spent time in silence showering the President of Syria with a love so great that his insanity could not stand in its presence.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) June 9, 2012
God is BIG, swine flu SMALL. See every cell of your body filled with divine light. Pour God's love on our immune systems. Truth protects.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) April 30, 2009
The power of your mind is greater than the power of nuclear radiation. Visualize angels dispersing it into nothingness.
- Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) March 29, 2011