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The Chemical Weapons Deal Is A Huge Gift To Assad, Russia, And Iran

The Chemical Weapons Deal Is A Huge Gift To Assad, Russia, And Iran

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REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

In the short term, the White House's $4 to strike a deal with Russia over Syria's chemical weapons bailed President Barack Obama out of a Syria use-of-force vote that he was $4.

But in the medium term, what has transpired after the $4 in Damascus has clearly favored Assad, Russia, Iran.


The most significant change in the White House position is that it $4 to "transition" Assad out of power only after his chemical weapons are destroyed.

That means Assad is no longer a "$4." And he immediately used his newfound standing $4 that the U.S. stops threatening to strike Syria and ceases arming Syrian rebels or else Syria won't fulfill the deal.

Most crucially, the deal means that Assad's airports are free to receive $4 and Iran while his air force can continue to $4 without the threat of a U.S. strike.

All in all, the chemical weapons deal gives Assad what he needs most: $4 to win the war$4.


Experts and officials immediately concluded that the unprecedented plan of $4 a massive arsenal of chemical weapons in an active warzone was a "$4" that would require a cease-fire between Assad and $4 that make up the opposition. In short, the plan is $4 to pull off.

Nevertheless, Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov $4 aimed at destroying the arsenal by mid-2014, thereby indefinitely stalling the prospect of American airstrikes.

Assad subsequently $4 that chemical disarmament would take $1 billion and a year, suggesting that the U.S. foot the bill, while he also $4 around.

On Friday Syria $4 of chemical weapons to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), causing further delays. The OPCW said it has indefinitely postponed a Sunday meeting to discuss a Russia-US plan to destroy Syria's arsenal.

Russia $4 any UNSC resolution that comes after the OPCW process.

Meanwhile, Lavrov has $4 forcing the opposition to enter peace negotiations.


Iran has supported Assad through $4, elite $4, $4 from Lebanon, and $4. The Shia Republic is also $4 from across the region at secret bases in Iran to deploy them in the field.

From $4:

"Under its overseas commander, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the military unit established '$4' to control cooperation between Tehran, Syrian forces and fighters from Hezbollah."

Basically, Iran is now $4 for the Assad regime.

"Qasem Soleimani is now running Syria," Col. Ahmed Hamada, an officer with the rebel Free Syrian Army, based near the northern city of Aleppo, told The Wall Street Journal. "Bashar is just his mayor."

Furthermore, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has $4 the peace talks that Russia is pushing.

The result

Beyond the debatable value of a U.S. strike, America's recent moves have $4 America's allies in the opposition and $4 in the region while strengthening Assad and his backers.

Interpreter Magazine Editor-In-Chief $4 put it bluntly:


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