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The FEC is questioning a congressman over $1,302 of Steam games charged to his campaign credit card

The FEC is questioning a congressman over $1,302 of Steam games charged to his campaign credit card


Brandt Ranj

The FEC is questioning California congressman Duncan Hunter $4$4 Hunter contests that only one of the 68 purchases, which were made between October and December of last year were authorized.

Steam, an app store for buying PC games, allows you to save your credit card information for easy checkouts in the future, just like iTunes or the Apple App Store.

Hunter acknowledges that the first Steam charge was for a game for his 13-year-old son, but his camp has $4

The FEC's note to Hunter's campaign party $4 and contains an itemized list of charges they deem questionable. All but one of the charges are Steam-related. The purchases are marked as "personal expenses" and "to be paid back" but none have been repaid yet. Hunter has until May 9th to formally respond to the FEC's questions.

This isn't the first time Hunter has been in the spotlight this year; two months ago, while congress was in session, he $4



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