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The female veteran who found a sexist note on her car just got a heartfelt apology letter

The female veteran who found a sexist note on her car just got a heartfelt apology letter

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The apology note written to Rebecca Hayes.

Last week, US Navy veteran Rebecca Landis Hayes parked her car in a veterans-only space at the grocery store. When she finished shopping, $4 that read, "This parking is for veterans, lady. Learn to read and have some respect." Hayes $4, where it was shared more than 12,000 times. 

Last night, Hayes $4: She received a heartfelt apology letter from the person who left that note on her car. 

"I happened to come across your post on Facebook through a friend," the letter begins. "I know it's no excuse, but I've seen so many young people park in retired vet's spaces...and I lost my cool. I'm sorry you were the one who got the result of that angry moment. I know it was a mistake and I'm glad I saw your post."

Here's the full letter:




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