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The Guardian And Washington Post Win Journalism's Biggest Prize For Exposing The Snowden Revelations

The Guardian And Washington Post Win Journalism's Biggest Prize For Exposing The Snowden Revelations

Glenn Greenwald


The Washington Post and The Guardian shared journalism's biggest prize on Monday, winning the 2014 Pulitzer Prize in public service for its reporting on the trove of documents from $4.

The Pulitzer committee awarded both publications the honor. Of The Washington Post, the committee said it had revealed "widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security."

Of The Guardian, the committee said it had helped "through aggressive reporting to spark a debate about the relationship between the government and the public over issues of security and privacy."

Barton Gellman led the Post's reporting on the Snowden disclosures, along with filmmaker Laura Poitras. Glenn Greenwald, the brash privacy advocate and journalist who now serves as an editor at The Intercept.

The stories have continued to fuel discussion about the NSA's surveillance methods. Late last month, $4 that would overhaul the method by which the National Security Agency collects and stores data.

Here's the complete list of winners in journalistic categories:

$4: The Guardian US The Washington Post

$4: Staff of The Boston Globe

$4: Chris Hamby of The Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC

$4: Eli Saslow of The Washington Post

$4: Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of the Tampa Bay Times

$4: David Philipps of The Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO

$4: Jason Szep and Andrew R.C. Marshall of Reuters

$4: No award (first time in a decade)

$4: Stephen Henderson of Detroit Free Press

$4: Inga Saffron of The Philadelphia Inquirer

$4: Editorial Staff of The Oregonian, Portland

$4: Kevin Siers of The Charlotte Observer

$4: Tyler Hicks of The New York Times

$4: Josh Haner of The New York Times


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