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The most mind-blowing, life-altering scientific discoveries of 2018

The most mind-blowing, life-altering scientific discoveries of 2018

falcon heavy launch spacex

REUTERS/Gregg Newton

Spectators at Cocoa Beach watch SpaceX's first Falcon Heavy rocket launch from the Kennedy Space Center on February 6, 2018.

  • Scientists managed to make some pretty awesome breakthroughs and discoveries in 2018, from space travel, to medicine, nutrition, and Earth sciences.
  • These are 30 of the most impressive and stunning scientific accomplishments of the year.

In 2018, scientists succeeded in some impressive feats: engineers at $4, Chinese researchers $4, and in Egypt, people found $4. (Pro tip: don't eat it.)

Over the last year, scientists also figured out $4, use $4, and stop $4.

These and other accomplishments were an encouraging reminder that every day, scientists across the globe are learning more about how life and the universe work.

As the new year approaches, take a look back at some of the most marvelous, life-altering, and astonishing scientific discoveries and feats from 2018.


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