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The perfect books to listen to on every type of commute

Shana Lebowitz   

The perfect books to listen to on every type of commute
Strategy1 min read

MTA NYC subway commuter


Enjoy the trip to work.

We tend to underestimate how miserable commuting can make us. Being squished in a crowded train car or stuck in gridlock traffic is probably even more awful than it sounds.

If moving closer to your office (or teleportation) isn't possible right now, we get it. Below, we've rounded up a series of audiobook recommendations from Audible that can transform your daily travels into a - dare we say it? - pleasant experience.

Below, you'll find nine audiobooks perfect for different length commutes, along with a clip and an abridged publisher's summary. The books - from popular novels to memoirs - were curated by Audible based on factors including customers' reviews and editors' recommendations.

By the time you get to work, you'll be smarter and more relaxed than everyone who spent their commute clenching their fists and wishing it were over.

You can also sign up for a free 30-day Audible trial membership here, if you so choose.


