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  3. The Trump administration is downplaying the growing threat of white-supremacist terrorism. It is time for Congress to act.

The Trump administration is downplaying the growing threat of white-supremacist terrorism. It is time for Congress to act.

The Trump administration is downplaying the growing threat of white-supremacist terrorism. It is time for Congress to act.



Alt-right members preparing to enter Emancipation Park holding Nazi, Confederate, and Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" flags.

  • White-supremacist violence in the US is growing, but the Trump administration is ignoring it.
  • To combat the problem, the US must first collect accurate statistics on the violence and then fund programs to tackle the issue head on.
  • Congress should also pass the $4, legislation designed to greatly strengthen data sharing and hate-crime prevention in local, state, and federal law enforcement.
  • Don Beyer is in his third term in the House of Representatives, where he represents Northern Virginia suburbs of the nation's capital. He is the author of the NO HATE Act.
  • $4

Two years ago, I watched with deep sadness as my beloved Virginia became the center of a national firestorm of attention during a weekend of hatred and violence. In the aftermath of Charlottesville, I hoped that we could at least take lessons from that catastrophe to help reduce hate-fueled terrorism.

Sadly, subsequent events, most recently in El Paso, Texas, show that the problem of white-supremacist violence is getting worse.

And though the tragedy in Texas deservedly got significant national attention, the problem goes way beyond El Paso.

It's mass murder and violence in the $4 of $4 of $4 $4. It's the violent killing of $4 or $4 because of their race or religion. It's the murder of $4.

America has a serious white-supremacy $4, which is helping fuel a rise in hate crimes, violence, and domestic terrorism, and it's time for Congress to do something to combat this growing threat to our nation.

America's white-supremacy problem is being ignored

Hate crimes have grown more numerous in each of the past three years, even according to the $4 available to the FBI.

This lack of complete statistics has lent credence to those who wish to deny the obvious increase in the danger of violent racism and bigotry because it makes them uncomfortable. That includes powerful people in $4, $4, and, most important, the $4.

This country responded to acts of foreign terrorism by invading two countries, undertook unprecedented surveillance of its own citizens, and imposed massive security restrictions at airports and government buildings.

But today - faced with a threat that the FBI director $4 amounts to an enormous portion of all terrorist threats against the US in 201 - the White House reportedly refused to allow the Department of Homeland Security to even prioritize domestic terrorism because mentioning white supremacists would "$4" the president.

The president's decision to ignore years of increasingly concerned warnings of $4 puts American lives at risk. The executive branch is responsible for Americans' security, and these compounded failures require action from Congress to help fix it.

There is much that we can do.

A few steps toward confronting white supremacy

The Judiciary Committee is set to take up legislation - which I support - to bar people convicted of hate crimes from obtaining firearms. We should also take forceful action, using the power of the purse, to prevent the Trump administration from making further cuts to agencies and programs tasked with tracking and fighting domestic terrorism.

To give them the best possible tools in this fight, Congress should also pass the $4, bipartisan and bicameral legislation that I introduced to greatly strengthen data sharing and hate-crime prevention in local, state, and federal law enforcement.

Right now, an enormous number of these heinous acts go $4, including even high-profile crimes like the $4 of Heather Heyer and Khalid Jabara. Assembling accurate data is a vital step toward the larger goal of creating a coordinated national strategy for stopping the rise of white-supremacist violence, and it would also rebut those who falsely and harmfully claim that no such problem exists.

I will continue to work with my colleagues who are $4 from the administration to confront racism and address domestic terrorism. As we go forward, it is vital that we remember that the killer in El Paso claimed inspiration from the racist mass murderer in Christchurch, New Zealand, which has "$4" around the world. To defeat such a widespread threat we will need to be much smarter and better organized.

Finally, we need our commander in chief to acknowledge this threat to the American people, and to protect them.

This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author(s).



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