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The unreal life of Wall Streeters, captured in a meme Instagram account that's going viral

The unreal life of Wall Streeters, captured in a meme Instagram account that's going viral

Gordon Gekko

20th Century Fox

  • Meme Instagram account $4 is gaining fans for its memes both poking fun at and glorifying financial culture.
  • Your financial analyst might be a "finfluencer," or they might be following one.
  • Hyper-specific meme accounts are becoming more popular, and spawn offshoots like @thisguyfuchz, about a fictional 40-year-old man who works on Wall Street and lives in Connecticut.
  • $4

Since March 2017, $4 has been posting finance memes on Instagram, making them a kind of "finfluencer," along with @thisguyfuchz and @hoeingforyield.

All three accounts focus on minute details of life on Wall Street, making intra-industry memes, $4

These memes have found an audience with people working in finance, who see their experiences and minor annoyances of daily life reflected in the account, but they're also fun to view from the outside. For people coming from a non-finance background, the account is a way into a previously unknown world.

This account is the perfect entry into understanding obscure finance terms and office dynamics.



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