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Lucky Color based on zodiac Sign in 2023

Dr. Sathya Narayanana   

Lucky Color based on zodiac Sign in 2023
Most people would find it hard to imagine a world without colours. More often than not, we prefer clothes in our favourite colours because we enjoy seeing ourselves in those shades. However, surprisingly, certain specific colours may also work miracles for you!

If you know the art of choosing the right colours based on your zodiac sign, you can turn life in your favour. Here I am giving you the best colours based on your zodiac sign for 2023. Making the best use of these colours is a sure way to steer your life on the road to success.

lucky colours for Aries (Born between 21st March and 20th April)

lucky colours for Aries (Born between 21st March and 20th April)

Aries is a fiery sign, ruled by Mars. Red can bring you success and good luck in any of your ventures. Red symbolises purity, aggressiveness, energy and mobility, and can bring you the blessings of Mars. In addition to red, the other colours you can choose are yellow and white. You must avoid green, black and blue if you are keen on avoiding bad luck.

Lucky colours for Taurus (Born between 21st April and 21st May)

Lucky colours for Taurus (Born between 21st April and 21st May)

For Taurus, white and lotus pink colours will bring highly favourable results in 2023. Taurus symbolises the earth element and is ruled by Venus. Pink and white will continue to be your best colours throughout this year. Astrologers will ask you to avoid yellow and red to avoid bad luck. Make the right choices while choosing your dress and vehicles to see favourable results in your life.

Lucky colours for Gemini (Born between 22nd May and 21 June)

Lucky colours for Gemini (Born between 22nd May and 21 June)

The best colours recommended for Geminis are green and yellow. Your zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury. Therefore, white and pink can also bring you positive energy in 2023. Since Gemini is a dual and airy sign, yellow and green can take you nearer to success. To avoid bad luck in anything, do not pick anything in red or blue.

Lucky colours for Cancer (Born between 22nd June and 22nd July)

Lucky colours for Cancer (Born between 22nd June and 22nd July)

Cancer born individuals will find silver, white, cream, lemon yellow and red to be their best colours in 2023. Moon is your ruling planet. These colours are best suited for your psychology, as they are soft colours that have a nurturing effect. These colours will help attract the energies that you lack and will make you lucky in your missions. You are advised to avoid dark and bright colours.

Lucky colours for Leo (Born between 23rd July and 21 August)

Lucky colours for Leo (Born between 23rd July and 21 August)

Individuals with Leo as their zodiac sign will find gold and orange to be their best colours in 2023. These two colours can attract good results for you. Your zodiac sign is ruled by the sun. Therefore, the colours associated with light, sun and fire are going to bring you success. Wherever you find something in these colours, grab them as they will be your lucky picks.

Lucky colours for Virgo (Born between 22nd August and 23rd September)

Lucky colours for Virgo (Born between 22nd August and 23rd September)

Virgos will find white, green and blue to be their best colours in 2023. Your zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury and it symbolises the earth element. Use these four colours in large measures in the year 2023 to find success in your ventures. It is good to stay away from the fiery colour red as it will hardly give you any desired results.

Lucky colours for Libra (Born between 24th September and 23rd October)

Lucky colours for Libra (Born between 24th September and 23rd October)

Librans will find their best colours to be white and orange in 2023. Your zodiac sign is ruled by Venus. You may also choose light blue and white for luck. While these colours can give you best results, do not choose anything in red, as this colour may not work in your favour.

Lucky colours for Scorpio (Born between 24th October and 22nd November)

Lucky colours for Scorpio (Born between 24th October and 22nd November)

Scorpios can turn their missions in their favour by investing in colours like red, chocolate brown, orange and white in 2023. Mars is your ruling planet. These colours will help avoid the obstacles you may face on your way. To avoid any setbacks and failures, do not choose from green and blue colours.

Lucky colours for Sagittarius (Born between 23rd November and 22nd December)

Lucky colours for Sagittarius (Born between 23rd November and 22nd December)

In 2023, orange and dark yellow will prove lucky for Sagittarians. Jupiter rules your zodiac sign and hence these colours can surely turn destiny in your favour. To go nearer to luck, you may also choose cream colour and green. Blue will hardly work in your favour and hence, it is to be avoided.

Lucky colours for Capricorn (Born between 23rd December and 20th January)

Lucky colours for Capricorn (Born between 23rd December and 20th January)

Capricorn born will find purple and black to be their best colours for 2023. Along with these colours, dark green and dark brown will also bring you luck. The Capricorn zodiac sign is ruled by Saturn. Therefore, the colours I have listed can give amazing results in your missions. Yellow and red are to be avoided if you want to win.

Lucky colours for Aquarius (Born between 21st January and 19th February)

Lucky colours for Aquarius (Born between 21st January and 19th February)

Aquarians can choose purple and light blue colours as much as possible. All through the year 2023, these two colours will give you great results. Saturn rules your zodiac sign. Some bright colours and white can also do you good. The colours that will hardly benefit you are dark blue and green. So, it is advisable to stay away from these two colours.

Lucky colours for Pisces (Born between 20th February and 20th March)

Lucky colours for Pisces (Born between 20th February and 20th March)

As a Piscean, invest in orange and yellow colours in 2023 to land on favourable results in your ventures. Jupiter is your ruling planet and therefore, these two colours will win you the blessings of this planet in abundance. In fact, if you want a change, pink can also fetch you good results. To the extent possible, avoid anything in dark colours, especially black, to avoid bad luck.
