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Photos show how 700 of Titanic's 2,200 passengers were saved by the Carpathia when the ship sank 112 years ago

Erin McDowell,Matthew Wilson,Erin Snodgrass   

Photos show how 700 of Titanic's 2,200 passengers were saved by the Carpathia when the ship sank 112 years ago
A lifeboat with Titanic survivors approaches the RMS Carpathia on April 15, 1912.Carl Simon/United Archives/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
  • The RMS Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 — almost 112 years ago — after it hit an iceberg.
  • The RMS Carpathia, which was three hours away, came to the rescue of the stranded survivors.

The sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912, has captured the world's fascination for 112 years.

The stories of those plucked from the icy waters — or those who narrowly missed being aboard the ship — dominated headlines for months following the sinking. In the decades since, the discovery of the wreckage, ill-fated attempts to visit it, and 1997's "Titanic" — history's first billion-dollar film — all proved the tragedy's enduring legacy.

Around 2,200 people were aboard the RMS Titanic when it set sail across the Atlantic Ocean toward New York City. Of those people, only around 700 survivors made it into lifeboats after the ship collided with an iceberg off the coast of Greenland.

The RMS Carpathia, which was three hours away at the time of the sinking, came to the rescue of the stranded survivors.

These photos show how the Titanic passengers were rescued from the icy waters.

The "unsinkable" Titanic set sail on its ill-fated voyage on April 10, 1912, with around 2,200 people aboard.

The "unsinkable" Titanic set sail on its ill-fated voyage on April 10, 1912, with around 2,200 people aboard.
The RMS Titanic.      Science & Society Picture Library/Getty Images

A British passenger liner, the Titanic was operated by White Star Line and was traveling from Southampton, England, to New York City.

At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, an iceberg was spotted 400 nautical miles south of Newfoundland, Canada, but it was too late for the ship to change course.

At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, an iceberg was spotted 400 nautical miles south of Newfoundland, Canada, but it was too late for the ship to change course.
The iceberg believed to have sank the Titanic.      Universal History Archive/Getty Images

The two lookouts, Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee, failed to spot the iceberg in time.

Fleet and Lee were contending with an unusually calm ocean, which made icebergs less visible since there would be no breaking water at the base. Their binoculars were also locked in a cabinet, which meant the lookouts were tasked with spotting icebergs using their eyes alone.

However, lookouts were trained to spot objects with the naked eye first, and 1912-era binoculars were not much more advanced than the trained eyesight of the lookouts, according to Encyclopedia Titanic. Given the short amount of time between when the lookouts saw the iceberg and the time of impact, binoculars still likely wouldn't have prevented a collision.

The Titanic attempted to avoid the iceberg, but it failed to turn in time. As the ship scraped the iceberg, it tore a hole in the side of the ship, rupturing at least five of the watertight compartments.

By 2:20 a.m., the stern of the Titanic slipped under water, and the surviving passengers never saw it again.

By 2:20 a.m., the stern of the Titanic slipped under water, and the surviving passengers never saw it again.
The sinking of the Titanic.      Bettmann/Getty Images

After just an hour, the ship was quickly filling with water, and passengers began to panic, Britannica reported. Due to the water, the ship's bow continued to sink, causing the stern to rise into the sky.

By 2 a.m., the crew was released by the captain. Shortly after, the Titanic's lights went out, the ship broke into two pieces, and the bow sank beneath the waves. Twenty minutes later, the stern followed suit, sending hundreds of crewmembers and passengers into the sea.

Of the 2,200 or so people aboard the Titanic, only around 700 people made it into lifeboats.

Of the 2,200 or so people aboard the Titanic, only around 700 people made it into lifeboats.
A lifeboat with survivors from the Titanic.      Universal History Archive/Getty Images

As the ship began to take on water, the lifeboats were launched with women and children only. There were only 20 lifeboats aboard the Titanic, according to Britannica, which could carry up to 1,178 people, only half of the ship's passengers and crew.

These boats were launched below capacity, for fear that the device lowering the boats would break if the boats were full. For instance, the first lifeboat to leave Titanic had the capacity for 65 people but was carrying only 27 when it launched, Britannica reported.

After the ship sank, people in lifeboats returned to search for survivors, but they found most people who entered the water had not drowned. Instead, they had frozen to death.

There were not enough lifeboats to hold the number of passengers that needed to evacuate.

There were not enough lifeboats to hold the number of passengers that needed to evacuate.
A scene from "Titanic" depicts the incident of lifeboats 13 and 15.      Paramount Pictures

No lifeboat or fire drills were carried out before the ship's sinking. In fact, a lifeboat drill had actually been planned for the morning before Titanic's sinking but it was canceled.

Loading passengers into the lifeboats turned to chaos. While some boats launched half full, others got stuck as they were being lowered into the water and were swarmed by people desparate to get on, Prologue magazine reported, per the National Archives.

The SS Californian was near the Titanic when it sank, but its radio was shut off for the night.

The SS Californian was near the Titanic when it sank, but its radio was shut off for the night.
The officers of the SS Californian in May 1912.      Daily Mirror/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images

When flares from the Titanic woke the captain, he assumed they were "company rockets," or signals passed between ships owned by the same company, not distress signals, the BBC reported.

Instead, the RMS Carpathia responded to the Titanic's distress call and changed course to help.

Instead, the RMS Carpathia responded to the Titanic
The RMS Carpathia.      Bettmann/Getty Images

The Titanic's distress call reached the Carpathia, a transatlantic passenger liner manned by Captain Arthur Rostron, at 12:20 a.m., but it was more than three hours away.

Another ship, the Olympic, was too far away to help.

Arriving at 3:30 a.m., the Carpathia came to the rescue of the survivors in the lifeboats.

Arriving at 3:30 a.m., the Carpathia came to the rescue of the survivors in the lifeboats.
The Carpathia helps Titanic survivors.      Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Lifeboat No. 2 was the first to reach and board the Carpathia, Britannica reported. It would take several hours for the ship to pick up all of the survivors.

By 8:30 a.m., the final person from Titanic's lifeboats had boarded the Carpathia.

By 8:30 a.m., the final person from Titanic
Survivors in a lifeboat.      Bettmann/Getty Images

The ship was then ordered by the captain to search the wreckage and frigid waters for any other survivors, but none were found. The ship did discover four bodies, which crew members buried at sea, according to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

The passengers and crew of the Carpathia tried to accommodate the survivors once they were aboard, but for many, the life-changing experience had rendered them inconsolable.

The passengers and crew of the Carpathia tried to accommodate the survivors once they were aboard, but for many, the life-changing experience had rendered them inconsolable.
Survivors on the Carpathia.      George Rinhart/Getty Images

The Carpathia's crew and fellow passengers gave their beds to survivors and offered them warm clothing and blankets, the Maritime Executive reported. Many of the survivors were upset and could do nothing but cry, or were shell-shocked by what they had experienced.

Rather than continuing along their original course, Carpathia's captain chose to return to New York City.

Rather than continuing along their original course, Carpathia
Aboard the Carpathia.      George Rinhart/Getty Images

The closest destination was Halifax, Nova Scotia, but it required traveling through more ice, and there wasn't enough food on board to meet the needs of the Titanic passengers in addition to Carpathia's if the ship sailed on to its original destination.

The ship's captain decided to head back to New York, which had been the Titanic's original destination.

Halifax later became the main port for ships retrieving bodies from the wreckage. According to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, three ships dispatched from Halifax were able to retrieve 328 bodies from the wreckage, or only one in five victims.

Roughly half of the Titanic victims' bodies are buried in Halifax, 119 bodies were buried at sea, and only 59 bodies were claimed by victims' relatives and returned home. A majority of the bodies buried at sea were damaged beyond recognition or belonged to crew members or third-class passengers.

The main vessel charged with retrieving bodies, the Mackay-Bennett, also ran out of embalming supplies — the ship didn't expect to find so many bodies in the water — forcing crew members to bury more people at sea than intended.

Rumors of the Titanic's sinking created a public frenzy at the White Star Line's office.

Rumors of the Titanic
White Star Line offices.      Print Collector/Getty Images

The White Star Line office in New York was flooded with people wanting confirmation on the fate of the Titanic, but White Star initially refused to confirm if the ship had sunk, according to the New York Daily News.

Even as publications began to report on the sinking, White Star Line wouldn't confirm the news to the public until almost two days after the ship went down.

As the Carpathia made its journey into New York, reporters hired tug boats to sail alongside the ship to talk to survivors.

As the Carpathia made its journey into New York, reporters hired tug boats to sail alongside the ship to talk to survivors.
Tugboats.      Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Captain Rostron ordered his crew to ignore all calls from the press regarding the Titanic. So to get the scoop, journalists shouted questions at the passengers and crew through megaphones from the tugboats.

The Carpathia eventually docked at Pier 54 on April 18 at 9:30 a.m.

The Carpathia eventually docked at Pier 54 on April 18 at 9:30 a.m.
RMS Carpathia.      Bettmann/Getty Images

The ship had left from the same dock, only seven days earlier, according to the Maritime Executive.

Around 30,000 people were waiting to welcome the survivors.

Around 30,000 people were waiting to welcome the survivors.
Crowds gathered to wait for the Titanic survivors.      Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Families of passengers arrived hoping to be reunited with loved ones, according to the New York Daily News. Ambulances and hearses lined the streets waiting to tend to the survivors or cart away any of the dead.

As the survivors of the Titanic left the Carpathia, they were greeted by the thousands of people.

As the survivors of the Titanic left the Carpathia, they were greeted by the thousands of people.
The arrival of the Carpathia with rescued passengers of the Titanic.      George Rinhart/Getty Images

Families reunited with each other, while others learned their loved ones had perished.

Among the casualties, the crew and third-class passengers suffered the greatest losses with 700 and 536 fatalities, respectively, according to Britannica.

The Carpathia's crew returned 13 of Titanic's lifeboats to White Star Line.

The Carpathia
Titanic's lifeboats.      UniversalImagesGroup/Getty Images

According to Titanic Universe, the Carpathia did not have the space for all 20 and left seven lifeboats in the North Atlantic.

The 13 lifeboats they brought back were placed in the possession of the White Star Line.

For his rescue efforts, Rostron received a Congressional Gold Medal.

For his rescue efforts, Rostron received a Congressional Gold Medal.
Arthur Rostron and his crew.      UniversalImagesGroup/Getty Images

Rostron was reluctant to speak publicly about his role in the Titanic rescue, and he avoided any spotlight for the rest of his life.

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