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These are your lucky colours for the new year 2020

These are your lucky colours for the new year 2020
It is possible that choosing colours as per astrological recommendations can bring good luck. Colours act as magnets to pull in the energies of planets.

Astrology recommends colours to different individuals based on their zodiac sign, planetary positions and orientations, characteristics of a given year and other factors. Choose the colours based on astrological recommendations as per your date of birth and reap the ultimate benefits. Here are the recommendations of lucky colours for 2020 for your date of birth and zodiac sign.

Lucky color for Aries (Born between 21st March and 20th April)

Like every other zodiac sign, your sign also has a specific lucky colours and that is red as your ruling planet is Mars. You can also choose from different shades of red. Red is the strongest of all colours and due to its influence, you will always be fiery, hot and strong. Red colour can increase your self-esteem and confidence. The other lucky colours are pink, yellow and milk white. It is better to avoid black and green for your zodiac sign.

Lucky Color for Taurus (Born between 21st April and 21st May)

Since your zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Venus, the lucky colour for you is pure white. This colour can bestow strength, power and practicality to your outlook and life. Pure white colour can help stabilize your state of mind and control your anger and negative emotions. For the year 2020, the other friendly colours you can bank on include blue and green. It is good for you to avoid red and yellow colors.

Lucky Color for Gemini (Born between 22nd May and 21 June)

Being ruled by the planet Mercury, the best color that can bring you good luck and positive results is green. Green colour can help you boost up your self-confidence and fine tune your relationships. It can promote your immunity and health. Blue can be your friendly colour for the year 2020 and you must always avoid red and yellow.

Lucky Color for Cancer (Born between 22nd June and 22nd July)

Since your zodiac sign of Cancer is ruled by Moon, milky white is the best colour that can bring you good luck and positive energy. Milk white signifies light, goodness, purity and innocence. This is also the colour of perfection. The other friendly colours are red and yellow. Blue and green are two colours that you need to avoid.

Lucky Color for Leo (Born between 23rd July and 21 August)

Since your zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, pink colour will suit you the best and bring you good luck and positive results. It will promote gentle qualities in you and ensure you are happy and healthy in every way. The friendly colours that can bring luck to you in 2020 are red and yellow. If you wish to avoid bad luck, stay away from blue and green.

Lucky Color for Virgo (Born between 22nd August and 23rd September)

Virgo natives can choose the colour green as the ruling planet of your zodiac sign is Mercury. Green is a fulfilling colour and can bring fresh energy. Green can bring you hope and new opportunities. You will turn fortunate and lucky with the power of green. The other friendly colours that will bring good luck to you in 2020 are blue and pure white. It is good for you to avoid red and yellow.

Lucky Color for Libra (Born between 24th September and 23rd October)

Venus is the ruling planet of your zodiac sign Libra and hence your lucky colour for all times is pure white. This colour can bring you good luck all the time. It will ensure you are surrounded by positivity all the time. This colour will also remove the emotional blocks you might develop and clear your path. Blue and green are your friendly colours that will also bring good luck in 2020. You need to avoid the colours red and pink.

Lucky Color for Scorpio (Born between 24th October and 22nd November)

Red is your lucky colour as Mars is your ruling planet. Red colour can bring you good luck and also give you strength, positivity, courage and confidence. It represents blood and life and you will derive satisfaction and spirit. The other lucky colours you can depend on in the year 2020 are pink and milky white. Never choose anything in black and blue.

Lucky Color for Sagittarius (Born between 23rd November and 22nd December)

Since Jupiter is your ruling planet, you can depend on the colour yellow all the time to fetch you good luck and positive results. This colour can work on your subtle mind and influence your life positively. It can also help balance your inner energies. Red, pink and milky white are three other friendly colours that you can depend on for good luck in 2020. It is good to avoid blue and black.

Lucky Color for Capricorn (Born between 23rd December and 20th January)

Your zodiac sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and so your lucky colour is blue. This colour symbolizes confidence and communication and it can bring you intelligence, sharpness and mental stability. You can also bank on the power of black for turning things lucky around you in 2020. Avoid choosing colours pink and yellow.

Lucky Color for Aquarius (Born between 21st January and 19th February)

Ruled by Saturn, you will find that blue is your luckiest colour. It can bring positivity around you and will make your mind stable and balanced. You can also bank on it for mental balance and peace. The other friendly colours that will prove lucky in 2020 are blue and green. Avoid red and milky white if you want good results.

Lucky Color for Pisces (Born between 20th February and 20th March)

Jupiter is your ruling planet since you belong to the twelfth zodiac sign of Pisces. Yellow will let you reap the power of Jupiter. Yellow will save you from any dangers and negativity and fill your surroundings with positive vibrations. The other friendly colours that can bring you good luck in 2020 are red and pink. It is advisable for you to avoid blue and green.

Business Insider does not endorse any such faith or the views. These are independent views of Dr. Sathya Narayan, a contributing astrologer as well as a consultant psychologist.


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