Black Friday is nearly upon us, and just about every major retailer is hosting some sort of savings event. Unfortunately, that can make finding the actual deals in that sea of promotions a little bit tricky.
To help, as this chart from Statista shows, most people are turning to the internet. According to a recent survey from Deloitte, more than half of Americans are using retailers' own websites, or sites dedicated to finding deals, to figure out what they'll buy. Traditional sources like newspapers and retail mailers still have a presence, but as has become plainly evident by now, more and more people are content shopping from home.
It's not all bad for the old-fashioned way, though: Deloitte says more respondents plan on shopping in-store (69%) than online (55%) on Black Friday itself, and that more people plan on webrooming (63%), or looking at items online before buying in store, than showrooming (44%), which is the inverse, that weekend. But as the holiday weekend itself becomes less and less relevant, those figures can only mean so much.