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This App Will Shame You Into Losing Weight, But At Least It Has A Great Sense Of Humor

This App Will Shame You Into Losing Weight, But At Least It Has A Great Sense Of Humor

Jonny Drubel finger pointing! Entertainment

A really judgmental but hilarious fitness app called $4 just launched today to help you lose weight.

It will threaten, judge, and berate you to start exercising. If you lose weight, Carrot will congratulate you, but if you gain weight, it will have some very harsh words for you.

It's not all about relentless shaming, though. When you first set it up, you punch in your current weight, height, and weight goal. Then Carrot begins to log your weight and progress.

Here's how it all started, Carrot founder Brian Mueller tells Business Insider via email:

The first Carrot app, Carrot To-Do, grew out of my desire to build a to-do list that people would actually want to use, something that would make crossing tasks off a list so much fun that I'd actually look forward to doing them. My first instinct was to just add a light gamification element to the app, but that wasn't enough - I don't play games to get badges or a high score, I play them for the writing, the character, and the story. Finding out what would happen next was what kept me coming back. So the character of Carrot grew out of that: she's almost like this virtual pet you have to keep happy by getting stuff done in real life, and she has a story that gets revealed the more you use her.

Carrot Alarm and now Carrot Fit sort of naturally evolved from that original concept. I always wanted to create a fitness app, and the Carrot character seemed like she'd make for an entirely unique kind of fitness app - one that's not necessarily "nice" and "cheerful" all the time, in fact she's usually pretty mean, but you develop this attachment to the character and this need to keep her happy.

You can buy the iOS app for $4.


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