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This map shows just how concentrated VC money is on the west coast

This map shows just how concentrated VC money is on the west coast



While everyone knows anecdotally that California is the place to go if you're looking for a drink from the venture capital fountain, PitchBook's second quarter $4 report makes it clear just how disproportionate of a role the West Coast plays in funding startups.

PitchBook reports that the US VC industry has raised $19 billion in the first half of 2017 - nearly $130 billion has been raised since the beginning of 2014.

In Q2 2017, the West Coast had 40.8% of the deals, and 55% of the deal value. Those numbers were distantly followed by the Mid-Atlantic - likely buoyed by New York City - which had 19.3% of Q2 deals, and 15.5% of deal value.

New England was the third most active region, with 8.4% of deals, and 10.5% of deal value. After that came the Great Lakes, with 8.2% of deals, and 6.9% of deal values; the South East, with 7.7% of deals, and 4.5% of deal value; the Mountain region, with 7.6% of deals, and 3.9% of deal value; and the South, with 6.6% of deals, and 3.5% of deal value.

The Midwest bottomed out the list, with only 1.4% of deals, and 0.3% of deal value.



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