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This Nineties Rapper Just Plead Guilty To Defrauding A Woman Out Of $32,000

This Nineties Rapper Just Plead Guilty To Defrauding A Woman Out Of $32,000

Nineties rapper "Tim Dog" (aka Timothy Blair) has pled guilty to grand larceny for putting a single mother in $32,000 of credit card debt, reports $4.

According to Jones, Blair, 46, met Esther Pilgrim in 2007 on an online dating site and convinced her to invest as a limited partner in his BMC Entertainment Company. Claiming to be working on his comeback album, he lied that he'd pre-sold 20,000 copies of the five-CD box set.

Soon Blair finagled Pilgrim's American Express and Bank of America credit card numbers and was using them to live lavishly with his wife.

Last week, $4 aired Pilgrim's story, in which she admitted she'd trusted Blair because of their similar backgrounds.

"I grew up in San Bernadino, California and so I knew of Tim Dog the rapper and his whole East Coast, West Coast rivalry in his music," she said.

Blair has received five years of probation and must pay $19,000 to Pilgrim within that time, Jones reports.



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