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6 reasons why you shouldn’t buy Royal Enfield’s iconic Bullet. It is over-hyped

6 reasons why you shouldn’t buy Royal Enfield’s iconic Bullet. It is over-hyped
From road trips to cross-state trips to riding on hair-pin turns, most of the bikers swear by Royal Enfield’s iconic Bullet to ride on tough terrains. But, this may surprise you that the Bullet, which is considered as the most trending bike in India, is over-hyped. No doubt, the Bullet has been setting trends with its hand-made classy make, tough looks, heavy sound, etc, but it is not necessary it will always make its way through that tough terrain of Leh-Laddakh. “Royal Enfield’s Bullet is the most over-rated bike you might see in the market. Yes, they have style and all that handmade class but there are so many problems with the bike that no matter how hard you try, it won’t love you back,” said an expert, who wished not to be named, and has rode on tough terrains in India and abroad and claims the Bullet is risky. One of the reasons is the Bullet has poor mileage. Here are 5 other reasons why you should re-consider your decision of buying a Bullet

They are unreliable:

They are unreliable:
Bullet fanatics call it heroic, but the case is otherwise. We all have met at least one of those Royal Enfield riders who brag about how their 200 kg piece of metal got stuck somewhere away from civilization and how they got their hands dirty and used jugaad to take the bullet to the mechanic. Royal Enfields are vintage and belong in a museum. They are nice to drive if the highways are well built and luck is on your side, but on a rainy day that 200-kg devil can drive you insane. Using old technology and hand-crafted parts on a machine that is expected to take you safely to the end of the world, just in the name of tradition and charm, doesn’t work well in reality.

Bullets have bad brakes:

Bullets have bad brakes:
Though, things have become easier since RE decided to put disk brakes, but now the auto world has moved to ABS. The disc brake improvement has come way too late also, at a time when ABS is starting to become standard. The older version- the one that sports drum brakes won’t stop because of the momentum created by the 200 kgs and with their huge bulk and sad excuse for tires, the bad brakes are the last nail in the rolling coffin.

Bullets are noisy, ugly side of noisy

Bullets are noisy, ugly side of noisy
Bullet lovers take pride in the typical sound that the Bullet makes, but it is irritating. When the world is moving towards soundless vehicles, RE is still stuck with such noises. That noise production further leads to the vibration in the handle bars and makes the super heavy beast, which was already difficult to ride, even more difficult.

Bullets have bad mileage:

Bullets have bad mileage:
The bike doesn’t have the pickup of a 350cc bike, lacks the comfort of 350 cc bike, doesn’t stop like a 350 cc bike, but has a mileage that is far more worse that a 350cc bike. If you buy a Bullet, get ready to keep refilling the tank.

Bullets have high maintenance cost:

Bullets have high maintenance cost:
As if the bad mileage wasn’t enough to burn a hole in your pocket, Bullets have a very high maintenance cost and the parts come in after a long wait. You must be asking why? Well, because the whole thing is hand-made and takes time.

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