Job interviews can be scary. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of possible questions an interviewer can throw at you.
How can one possibly prepare for this?
James Reed, author of "101 Job Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again," and chairman of Reed, a top job site in the UK and Europe, has some good news for overwhelmed job seekers.
He says it's actually much easier to prepare for a job interview than you think.
He believes that there are really only 15 questions a job interviewer can ask you ... and that these are the only queries you need to be ready for.
"Sure, there are hundreds of interview questions you might be asked, but every interview question out there is just a variation of one of fifteen themes," he explains.
Reed calls these the "Fateful 15."
In his book, Reed shares the 15 'classic' questions you're most likely to be asked - in one form or another - along with what the hiring manager is really asking when they pose each of these questions, and some advice on how to answer them.
Here's an overview of the Fateful 15: