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What you need to know in advertising today

What you need to know in advertising today

The General Mills logo is seen on a box of Cheerios cereal in Evanston, Illinois, June 26, 2012.  REUTERS/Jim Young

Thomson Reuters

The General Mills logo is seen on a box of cereal in Evanston

$4 is coming, and many big brands are treating it the same way college kids treat finals: I'll cram the night before.

Some are even acting as if the looming European consumer privacy law called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) doesn't even really apply to them. Regardless, GDPR goes into effect on May 25. And digital ad experts say that among marketers, the level of preparedness is all over the map.

To read more ab0ut how brands are bracing for GDPR, $4

In other news:

Mark Zuckerberg was grilled by Congress in his 2nd day of testimony.>$4 The Facebook CEO revealed that his data had been harvested by malicious actors on the platform.

Nearly 1 out of 10 Americans have deleted their Facebook account over privacy concerns, study says.>$4 9% of Americans say they have deleted their Facebook account altogether over privacy concerns, according to a new study.

How to get Facebook to stop showing you creepy ads like Mark Zuckerberg promises you can do.>$4 It doesn't solve the crux of the problem, but does limit the financial reward you provide to Facebook for collecting so much data about you.

Twitter investors take aim at fake news, hate speech, and harassment - but the company says it's already doing all it can.>$4 A group of Twitter shareholders is urging the company to prepare a report on the steps its taking to combat fake news and other abuses of its service.

Snap has confirmed that it will launch a second version of its camera-enabled Spectacles - despite the first version being a flop.>$4 FCC filings confirmed that Snap is working on Spectacles 2.0.

What's included in ESPN's new streaming service ESPN+, which is out now.>$4 The service is now available for $4.99 per month or an annual fee of $49.99.



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