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16 signs your job is ruining your marriage

16 signs your job is ruining your marriage

Maybe you're a workaholic and spend 80 hours a week at the office. Perhaps you come home every night wanting to complain about your micromanaging boss or annoying coworkers. Whatever the culprit, our careers often affect our personal relationships - and in extreme cases, they can even ruin marriages.

"Because we spend the majority of our waking hours Monday through Friday at the office, our jobs tend to easily spill into our personal lives," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert, $4, and author of" $4." "And it's natural, for instance, to come home wanting to vent," she says, "but this kind of thing can wear thin on your partner over time, as they may feel helpless."

She says frequently bringing the office into your personal life can be stressful for both of you, and that it's important to know if your job is affecting your marriage.

"You want to recognize red flags early that your work is impacting your marriage, so you aren't blindsided by your spouse before it's too late to make any changes," adds Michael Kerr, an international $4 and author of "$4."

Here are 16 signs your job is ruining your marriage:


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